Wade Barker

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.54545454545 out of 5 with 251 ratings

Wade Barker Bariatric Surgeon MD

12 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Varies

Max Age of Patient is None

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication



and 1 more...

251 Reviews for Wade Barker
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Dr. Barker has a good energy.


He was very Passionate about helping people be healthy.rnHis office is very busy I did not realize that so many people needed his help.(and were in the same position as me.rnWhat I liked least about him was he does not spend very much time with you prior and after the surgery.rnFuture patients should know that he one of the best.rnyou have sereral follow up appointments with him.rnthe aftercare program is not the best it should be looked out at help improve it.rnThe siminar prior to my surgery went over the risks I recoment the siminar to anyone thinking of the surgery.rnI would rate him excellent on the surgery's sucess.rnI would say both I wish he had a little more bedside manner. But don't get me wrong I would rather have surgical competence....Anyone can get over the bedside manner....


He's a good surgeon, but that's all i can say...I've only met him twice for brief period's of time. rnStaff is very nice....great to deal with.rnrnVista hospital was so-so, GREAT Doctors, VERY nice....Some nurses were wonderful and others, simply, were not. The head bariactric nurse, was amazing. But I only saw her a few times....I wish I could have seen more of her.rnrnMy husband couldn't get a hold of me, nor could he get anyone to call him back while I was at Vista. My husband was very worried aobut me and was extremely frustrated that no one would give him the time of day to tell him how I was doing. He was very upset at the way he was treated. rnrnI would send anyone to Dr. Barker, but don't expect anyone to hold your hand. He has so many patients, that I did feel like just another \"number\", instead of being treated like an individual. But as I said before, his staff is wonderful and are very happy to assist you in anyway, it's just that they are VERY busy.


My first meeting with Dr Barker was a very good one. He was very confident and his staff was very nice.rnThe thing I like least was the fact that the only timeI saw him was the initial meeting and after surgery. In between I saw his assistant. Even for post op visit I saw his assisitant. rnA few days after surgery Dr Barker came to see me in hospital and said, \"remind me what I did to you\". But overall I am very satisfied with Dr Barker and his staff.rnI would recommend him to anyone. He is a very good doctor.rn


I thought he was very honest and open with me about the surgery from the start. I would recommend him to everyone.rnrn


I love Dr. Barker. You may have to wait when you have an appointment to see him, but I think he's fantastic. The recovery time after surgery has been great. The staff in his office is wonderful. rnHe required me to see a Nutritionist and do a Psych eval before and then after surgery. This wasn't something I had ANY desire to do, but found them to be unbelievably helpful. I would say his surgical competence is phenomenal.........Bedside manner was OK. I mean, he came in on a Saturday to see me and make sure I was OK. I felt good about that.


wonderful, caring, the whole office staff was great. all the staff took the time to listen and were not rushed. i would highly recomend his office. they are there for you before during and after surgery. i would rate the whole office and staff A++++++++++++++++++++++++!!!!!!!!


Very welcoming good staff made you feel like family . Will answer any questions. Stress taking vit. and after care. JUST GREAT ALL AROUND


My first impression of Dr. Barker is that he pushes himself and his staff extremely hard in order to see as many people as he can. One of the people on his staff, Dale, told me that Dr. Barker has a mission to help as many people as he possibly can, and that's why he does see so many people. I hope that's right, and that he's not just trying to shake the money tree as hard as he can while the getting is good. My latter impressions haven't changed much. I think he's probably a very competent surgeon, but I still think he works himself and his staff at an exceptionally hectic pace. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Having very little experience with hospitals, doctors, and the medical field in general, this may well be the norm.


I had my first appointment with Dr. Barker on 27 November. His office was very busy and I had a rather long wait...but it was worth it! I found him very professional, informative, and friendly. He answered any and all questions I had and even informed me of my insurance requirements. I had done extensive research on him and the procedure so I really did not have a lot of questions for him. rnrnHe told me he highly recommended the surgery due to my health conditions and felt that insurance approval would not really be an issue based on my weight and co-morbidities.rnrnHe told meI would need to have a doctors letter of medical necessity from my personal physicial (which she was more then happy to supply) a psyc eval, see a nutritionist, have an EGD completed, and see a cardiologist to ensure I was healthy enough for the surgery. rnrnDuring this visit he did not address the aftercare extensively, but assured me that would come with our next appointment.rnrnAfter meeting him I met with the nurse who is also very friendly and informative. rnrnAfter that it was off to the insurance professional who advised me of my insurance requirements and told me if I could not get into the doctors recommended to call and let them know and they would get me into another office.rnrnAll of his office staff that I came into contact with has been very friendly, professional and willing to assist me in any way needed.rnrnThe only negative thing I can say about this visit is the fact that I had a long wait in his office for a scheduled appointment, but this gave me a chance to meet patients that had already had the surgery and other new patients like myself.rnrnI met with a nutritionist and have the psyc eval completed the very next day and both informed me they were recommending me for the surgery. I found them to be very professional, friendly and informative as well. They provide a lot of good information and feedback and I look forward to meeting with them again after surgery. I had several questions for them and they were more then happy to answer them all. I did not feel rushed in any way.rnrn rnrn

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