Wade Barker

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.54545454545 out of 5 with 251 ratings

Wade Barker Bariatric Surgeon MD

12 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Varies

Max Age of Patient is None

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication



and 1 more...

251 Reviews for Wade Barker
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My first impression of Dr. Barker was he's cute, and to cute to be my surgeon cause he look young. As soon as he started talking I knew this is the right surgeon for me. His office staff was very professional and personal which made me feel a little more comfortable. Dr. Barker and his staff were very precise and straight to the point on my future and aftercare and risks of surgery. The only thing I had a problem with was the long wait time of the consultation, but they had great movies and comfortable seats.


I loved my surgeon the first time I met him. And, I still do! He is wonderful and his staff are awesome. They are all friendly and professional. He doesn't spend a lot of time on idle talk, so some feel that he doesn't have a good \"bedside manner\" but that was fine with me. He came highly recommended, and that is what was important to me. I felt totally safe in his hands. I had researched WLS for two years before I did it so I did not have a lot of questions. We did review the risks involved.rnI didn't see him at the hospital the next day, and I was a little disappointed in that. but, another surgeon did come to check on me. rnI think he is awesome.


First Impression: Is he married? He is extremely good looking. After getting past that I felt that Dr. B was very knowledgeable and straight to the point. He answered all my questions and was very helpful eventhough is office was packed. I felt that I was not rushed and for that moment I had his undivided attention. My cousin was a patient of his so he came to me highly recommended. His staff was also great! Dr. Barker is a great doctor with a world of knowledge when it comes to WLS. He and his staff have been extremely patient with me this whole time and I thank them for that b/c I know at times I was a pain. I was just so anxious to get my approval. They make sure that you get the approval. The staff is fully trained on ALL insurance requirements and I have never heard of a patient being denied from his office. They dot all the I's and cross all the T's. Dr. Barker is a GREAT surgeon, but his bedside manners are 0 to none. He did not meet with me before the surgery nor did I see him after the surgery. To be honest I didn't even see Dr. Barker in the OR before I had my \"cocktail\". I saw all of his staff, but no Dr. Barker. When I was in the OR and asked where he was, they told me he went to grab a bite to eat and then I was sleep. When I woke up no one from his staff was there to even tell me how the procedure went. I wish I would have choosen a Dr. that cared a little more about me than my money. The only thing good I have to say is that he is a good surgeon, but if you are looking for someone to inform you on how things went, I think you should look beyond Dr. Barker.


My first impression of him was great! On this website it list him as a doctor that performs a risky surgery called the duodem switch, which was my initial reason for choosing Dr. Barker. However when I went to the office, he advised me he didn't perform that surgery, and took the time to explain to me the risk of that particular surgery. I was impressed by the fact that even though he wasn't sure that I would be his patient, he took time with me. Any who, I decided to have the gastric bypass (revision from the lapband). Dr. Barker has a great system set up, his staff is wonderful, and down to earth! The only 2 things that I would say about him, is he is a busy man, so sometimes you do have to wait a while in the waiting room... but that does give you time to socialize with other people, and if you aren't the social type you can watch a movie; my other warning is if you are any type of revision patient, on the date of the surgery you will be scheduled dead last. So when they set your initial time to come to the hospital you may want to request that they don't have you at the hospital to early. Because waiting in the pre op room for 4-6 hours can wreck havoc on your nerves. So other than that.. he is a GREAT DUDE!


Dr. Barker was great. He was very detailed and thorough in explaining what was going to happen next and what I needed to do to get approved. The office staff that I met was very friendly professional, but their is this one chick that answers the phone that shall remain nameless. She could use some professional development. Otherwise, with my limited experience, I would say that the doctor seemed like a great surgeon. I know that they do offer an aftercare program but, I can't be a judge of that yet. He did perform my EGD. It was pretty weird because I remember getting wheeled into the operating room, being put under the anesthesia, and it seemed like I just woke up. No pain, no sore throat! So at this rate, I'm very pleased with my choice.


I have had two appts at Dr. Barker's office. I was very impressed with him. He is very kind and truly knows his stuff. My insurance requires a 6 month diet, so I'm getting to attend monthly appts, everyone has been so nice and helpful. I can not praise this office staff and doctor enough, and I'm just beginning..........can't wait to add info as I go.rnrnrnrnAwesome doctor and staff............almost 3 months out and feeling great!! I love attending my appts, they are so upbeat and motivating!!


My first impression of Dr. Barker was that he was forward and straight to the point. I was a little concerned that he did not explain the procedure in detail as much as I would have liked for him to, so a good idea would be to write down questions that you may have and have them answered. Over time, my impressio of him changed, still a man of few words, but he was very pleasant. The office and staff are very busy, but they do take the time to take care of all patients as an individual and not just a number. I would rate the overall expreience on a scale of 1-10, an 8.


Where do I begin with Dr. B…… he is EVERYTHING you would want and expect from a medical professional. He exudes professionalism, excellence and knowledge of the bariatric world. From the first word spoken, I felt comfortable and confident that he was the doctor for me. I am thankful that my primary care doctor selected Dr. Barker as my surgeon. I realized at my EGD that he is extremely focused prior to surgery. If anyone is searching for an excellent Bariatric doctor and staff in the DFW area, look no further, Dr. Barker and team will treat you with extreme care. His office is very busy, but he is very much worth the wait! On a scale of 1 - 100, Dr. B is a 110! To be continued after my RNY surgery……


I really like Dr. Barker although his office is very busy. Both times I've been I've had to wait almost two hours to see him.


Awesome Staff and Surgeon!

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