Wade Barker

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.54545454545 out of 5 with 251 ratings

Wade Barker Bariatric Surgeon MD

12 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Varies

Max Age of Patient is None

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication



and 1 more...

251 Reviews for Wade Barker
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Dr. Barker has a VERY busy office, but an awesome staff and a sweet disposition. I have been going to his office for about 4 months now for surgical pre and post op, as well as stopping by for this and that, and they have always been awesome. The wait the first visit was horrible (3 hours) but after that I have been usually in and out pretty quickly. I have had nothing but good things to say about Dr Barker and his office staff, and would recommend them to anyone who was considering weight loss surgery.


What was your first impression of him/her?
Dr. Barker and his staff were so friendly, helpful and supportive and very knowledgeable about all the questions I had.

How did your impression change over time?
My impression only got better as time went on.

How would you describe his/her office staff?
Dr. Barker's staff is amazing from filing the insurance to meeting with the nutritionist. The compassion and support they showed me and the other patients was very different from my lap band experience with a different doctor and his staff.

What should future patients know about him/her?
In my opinion, this is the best bariatric doctor and staff in Dallas.

How much does he/she emphasize aftercare?
They emphasize aftercare very much. They offer a ton of resources and are always available to talk and help you with any questions or issue you are having.

Does he/she have a structured aftercare program?
Yes. After your first post op appointment all normal time sequential appointments after that are in a group setting with other patients from a month post op to years post op.

How did he/she address the risks of surgery?
Dr. Barker and his staff explained the risks very thoroughly but he is such a great surgeon that is his success rate is very high and complications are very low.

How would you rate him/her overall?
On a scale of 1-10 I would give my overall experience an 11.

Which is better, surgical competence, bedside manner, or are both great?
For me both have to be equal and Dr. Barker and his entire staff exceeded any expectations I had in both regards.


My first impression was one of "that's someone that I truly believe who knows what he is doing" I want him to do my surgery. Dr. Barker's staff is alway very nice and shows concern for you in the mist of your situation. What I least like about Dr. Barker is with his office - sometimes the wait is too long, but you do get a chance to talk to others about your situation as well as theirs.

If you are undecided on what to do, the staff,and Dr. Barker will educate you on making the best decision for you. The aftercare was good with easy transitions.

Dr. Barker is a great doctor and he is very well knowledgeable in his craft. Thanks Dr. Barker and your staff.


My doctor's staff are the best they are on point with taking care of business. I love how professional they are and very concerned about making the patients feel comfortable.


My first impression of Dr Barker is that he definitely cares about his patients and I really liked the fact that his appointments are one on one from the very beginning. Not just sitting thru seminars and meetings and waiting weeks to see the Dr while still not knowing if you even like that Dr which is how some places operate...

His office staff was absolutely amazing getting everything done so quick and so quick to help if I needed anything. The timeline by which they got everything done and all of my pre op appointments was astounding also.. They are really just one word... Amazing!

Like least, nothing really of course I am sure there are some out there who might not like the wait and might not find the office experience as good as I did... but you asked for my opinion and this is it... not the opinion of others but mine only...

What should others know about him? He is straight forward and makes sure you have absolutely no questions left unanswered before he leaves your visit.

Aftercare is very important and very much emphasized...group meetings and individual are all stressed by Dr Barker and his staff.

He addresses the risks both orally to you in your meetings with him and then he gives you written documentation stating the risks also.. He actually gave an entire very large book of documents to read about the surgery and its risks and care and pre and post op care...

I can only speak for his office manner as of now as my surgery is still upcoming but his office care so far has been wonderful..The only thing I would have changed at all about the experience was the wait factor... When waiting to see him you have to go planning to spend the entire day and sometimes even part of the evening. I was not aware of this and got there for a 10 am 1st appointment and had no clue there would be a good 40 other people there too LOL... I was shocked but glad in a way because at least that meant he was a good Dr. I waited until 4 pm to be seen by the Dr at all... I was handled well by all of the rest of the office staff before and after that but what is a few hour wait if you are getting a good Dr?


Dr. Barker is the best they come. He and his staff are very serious about the work they do and getting you throught the process both physically and mentally.

He is very serious about aftercare and has a structured aftercare and emphasizes its importance.

He and his staff make you know all risks and possible issues that may arise and makes you understand the process fully before the procedure.

He is an amazing surgeon and I rate him a 10 at this point. I have a long way to go and I'm sure he will be with me EVERY step of the way.


I first saw Dr. Barker in October 2006 when I took my twin sister to see him speak at a weight loss seminar. She immediately was approved & my insurance excluded it. However, I really enjoyed Dr. Barker, he was very objective, informative and provided more information than I expected to even gain at the seminar. Even after 3 1/2 years I still have the same impression of Dr. Barker and he hasn't performed my surgery yet but he's very informative & always answers any questions I have. I find all of his staff members very kind & helpful. I know some people have complained in the past about the wait for their appointments but I think if you are prepared to be there for a few hours & coordinate your appointments accordingly you will be less disappointed. This is an important decision & life changing event so you need to make sure you spend as much time needed with the doctor & or staff to ensure you get your questions/cocerns answered to have the best results. Or that is my opinion. I'm so looking forward to the surgery & feel I have picked the very best doctor and that I'm in great hands.


When I initially went to Dr. Barker's office, I was overwhelmed at how many people where in his office. It was packed! Some people who have had WLS from other doctors told me that I'd be treated like a number if I became one of Dr. Barker's patients. Nothing could have been further from the truth. rnrnEveryone at Dr. Barker's office took their time explaining things, listened to me attentively, and showed sincere and genuine concern for me. Dr. Barker was wonderful and nothing like what the \"naysayers\" told me. He took the time to answer all of my questions and ensure I felt comfortable with all of the information I had received. Expectations were explained as well as the risks. Dr. Barker and his staff are wonderful and made me feel very comfortable and even more confident about my decision to have gastric bypass surgery. rnrnMy experience was positive BUT, I want prospective patients to know that no matter which surgeon you chose, you are responsible for ensuring all insurance details are taken care of. No one will do it for you. Dr. Barker's staff was always available to answer questions but I did a lot of communicating between my insurance company and the billing office to ensure things were taken care of. YOU, as the patient, must follow up and take the initiative when you have questions about insurance, diet, etc. The professionals at Dr. Barker's office are available and I never had to wait for an answer. I couldn't have chosen better professionals for my procedure.rnrnI'm looking forward to my aftercare follow up visits. I would rank Dr. Barker and his staff #1. They are definitely TOP NOTCH!! Forest Park Medical Center is also AWESOME! The facility is beautiful, my family indicated that the cafeteria was great, and my private room was better than I ever expected.


I think I have the best dr. ever....He has excellent bedside manners. He treated me with like a humanbieng not like a chart and (fatgirl). His office staff are some of the best I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I look forward to going to his office. But I look forward to the next visit the most because it will be my POST-OP VISIT. YAHOOOOOO. i will have to come back to answer the rest of the questions but for now I love everything about him. I know he won't let me down....


I researched Dr. Barker and he was the only surgeon that really caught my attention. I am really pleased at the customer service that his office provides. Everyone is friendly and nice. Dr. Barker takes his time talking to you and wasn't in a rush like most doctors. The only flaw is that for my 1st office visit I was there for five hours. I was so hungry! lol. But, after that most visits were only 2 hrs. I am excited about my surgery coming soon! God Bless You All!!!

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