Wade Barker

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.54545454545 out of 5 with 251 ratings

Wade Barker Bariatric Surgeon MD

12 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Varies

Max Age of Patient is None

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication



and 1 more...

251 Reviews for Wade Barker
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I highly recommend Dr. Barker and his team. Over a 3 year period of going to seminars in Oklahoma and Texas, I decided that he was the best. He is very friendly and makes you feel comfortable, but he does expect you to comply. The office is crowded but to me that only says he is in great demand. I had an excellent experience before, during and after my procedure. He is the BEST.

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Loved Dr. Barker and his office. The only problem with dealing with such a good doctor and staff...the WAIT. First consult was a hell of a wait (2 hours), but well worth it. Only met with Dr. B. twice, but that's ok, he should be busy in surgery! His staff is awesome! They were able to squeeze me in the last week of the year so I could take advantage of my out of pocket deductable. I am almost two weeks post-op from lap gastric bypass and am down 20 pounds (from when I started my liquid diet one week pre-op), with no more insulin shots or diabetic meds. Wouldn't recommend anyone else...please go see Dr. B., he and his staff are top notch and have got a system down for their patients.

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Dr. Barker is an excellent surgeon, and I am very happy that I chose him to do my gastric bypass. His office staff is very supportive. I would recommend anyone that was interested in getting WLS to use him as their surgeon.

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I am so lucky to have found Dr. Wade Barker. There is not a Bariatric surgeoon in Amarillo where I live and Dr. Barker came her from Dallas to assist patients that had been left with no place to turn. He and his staff have literally changed my life. From first impression forward Dr. Barker listened to my questions and concerns and helped me make informed decisions about my health care. He went over every aspect of the surgery and I left his office feeling like I had a good grasp of the good and the bad. He has excellent surgical skills and I have recovered without any complications. I felt he kept me well prepared for everything that came after surgery. His follow up staff has been extremely helpful in answering my questions and checking up after surgery. I would definitely recommend Dr. Barker for anyone who is considering weight loss surgery.

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He is amazing!!! I have done soooo much better than I did the first time around. Two weeks post op and I feel better than when I had my original in 2003. I hope this makes me normal finally!


Dr Barker was really nice. He gave pros and cons of having a revision surgery and the complications that may arise. The office is busy but its well worth the wait. The longest process was getting re-approved for revision gastric bypass surgery with Dale but he was really nice and sweet about it. All in all so far so good!


I recommend my surgeon to anyone interested in bariatric surgery...he is not only hot, but top of the line in the field...I have several friends that have also used him and speak highly of him...I can't thank him enough for working a miracle...thanking GOD for blessing his hands while he worked on me. This is my opinion of my surgeon.


I only saw Dr. Barker during my first visit and the office visit the week before surgery. Seems like he spends his time in surgery and that is what I liked...he has a lot of experience. His office staff is very friendly and once you are with them they make you feel like they are there just for you. The only complaint I have is the long waits. However, the last visit (my two year follow-up) the wait was not too bad. They now have group sessions for the follow-up visits which seem to speed up the process.

I am very happy with the surgery results and my decision to use Dr. Barker.


Seemed to know what he was talking about, very experienced.
I haven't seen him again, yet!
Very helpful!


I was very impressed with Dr. Barker himself. He did not spend a lot of time with me but I had already done a huge amount of research and knew what I wanted. We discussed the Roux N-Y and decided to go forward. I was NOT impressed with his office staff. We applied to BCBS of Alabama and they indicated I met all the requirements but I had to complete a 180 day diet prior to them ok'ing the surgery. During the 6 months I had to weigh in at Dr. Barker's office (a 2.5 hr round trip from my home) once a month and I was put through a lot of very expensive tests, procedures and lab work. At the end of my 6 months, the paperwork was resubmitted to BCBS of Alabama and they denied the procedure saying I needed to have completed the diet with my family DR. not Dr. Barker. Dale Gares, the insurance man w/Dr. Barker, would not take my calls, did not return my messages and when I got frustrated, I was given a lecture by an assistant that I should not be upset at them but at the insurance company. I called the insurance company and they said they had only changed the requirement of your diet with the family Dr. not Dr. Barker 1 month before I finished my diet. I was told by my attorney we should appeal. I tried several more times to call Dale Gares at Dr. Barker's office. Finally a flunky called me back and said Dale was working on the issue. That was 2 months ago and I haven't heard a word from them and they won't take my calls. I am doing the 6 month diet with my family Dr. now but believe me, if there was another Dr. in Dallas that my insurance would ok me to use, when (and if) they ever OK my surgery, Dr. Barker's group would not get my business.
Update: Aug. 2010 Dale Gares called me back to say they had been working on getting me approved. They were referring me to another surgeon for the procedure and that Dr. Barker would be the supervising diet Dr. I was sent to see Dr. B. J. Zakhour, in Mesquite (3 hrs round trip drive). I paid a $45 co-pay for a 10 min. consult and he sent my insurance company a $200 bill. BCBS denied the appeal and refused to pay his bill. So he sent it to me to be paid. Yeah, right!
Update: Oct. 2010 I have finished my second 6 month diet period on Weight Watchers with my Family Physician, Dr. Mark
Byarlay supervising. I lost about 30 lbs and put back on 22 before the 6 months was up. How typical is that? Anyway, Dr. Byarlay got with Dale Gares at Dr. Barker's office and they managed to get me approved for surgery a week before the 6 month period was even over. I have my pre-op meeting with Dr. Barker on Tues., 10/26.

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