Keith Kim

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 with 76 ratings

Keith Kim Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

76 Reviews for Keith Kim
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'My first impression of Dr. Kim is he is very compassionate and sensitive to your needs. He took time out to answer any questions


I have only met him once during the informational seminar and he was more personable than I expected.


Keith Kim is an intelligent yet quiet doctor. I thought he was very nice when I first meet him, however everytime I see him more and more of his personality comes out. He is very funny, and I am very comfortable being in his care. The staff is terrific, and it is an added bonus that 3 members of the staff have had bariatric surgery so they can total relate to what we are going thru pre & post operatively. US Bariatrics is wonderful....they believe in aftercare, and have a support system in small groups, cooking classes, clothing exchanges, fitness facilites, and much more. Dr Kim was very straight forward about the risks of surgery. I would highly recommend US Bariatrics and Dr Keith Kim to anyone looking into bariatric surgery.

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Dr. Kim at first is kinda of quiet but very friendly, which can make him seem a little aloof or distant. However once you get to know him better he is great and makes you feel at ease even when I am freaking out. He is always available to his patients 24/7 which is very nice. I have researched many surgeons and I believe he is one of the best in florida along with the other Doctors at US Bariatric. He was very clear about all the risks as well as the benefit and never sugar coated the surgery at all. His Staff is excellent and most of them have had WLS so they genuinly care about your progress. His after care is a very important part of the program, and he stresses it everytime he sees you. I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone considering the surgery.


I have nothing but praise for Dr. Kim and his office staff. They have correct insurance information and gave me no hassles. I was treated professionally, with courtesy and respect. If you have Medicare, that's fine with them. They don't hussle you out the door and refuse to talk with you. Since Dr. Kim does the lap RNY, you do have to pay his fees upfront, as Medicare will only cover the open proceedure as far as the surgeon goes, but they do cover the hospital. Amazing the lies some doctor's offices will tell you just because they do not want anything to do with Medicare.

Aftercare is a huge issue with Dr. Kim. And I like that! He has a very structured program with each new level spelled out. There is even a shopping list for you. Getting through the surgery is one thing, dealing with it for the rest of your life is another. I don't know how anyone goes through with this surgery with a doctor who doesn't have any kind of structured after care program. Bariatric cooking classes are also offered at Celebration Health! A bonus in my opinion!

Dr. Kim reviews all the risks of surgery with you, several times. His staff also knows the risks, and will discuss them with you if needed.

Dr. Kim seems a bit quiet at first, but he always has plenty to say. He also keeps a very personal touch to his patient care. I received a phone call from him a few days after I was discharged from the hospital. Just a checkup to see how I was doing at home!

My only complaint, and I can't really call it a complaint, more of an issue, is the three hour education session. I'm like a lot of obese people and have a very bad back. The chairs were extremely uncomfortable, and the session lasted four hours! Way too long, especially since the first hour were things that had been gone over twice before in different appointments. There should be less of the initial information that I had already received, gone over, and knew about, and more time spent with the nutritionist.

I highly recommend Dr. Keith Kim.


I was blessed with the BEST surgeon I have ever had the pleasure of working with, Dr. Keith Kim. As a patient and an RN, I have never had a doctor call my home to personally inquire as to my well being......until Dr. Kim! But hearing his voice on the other end of the phone was not only a comfort but not even shocking after the wonderful care he gave me pre-op, inter-op and post-op. He truely is a blessed man who cares deeply about his patients and profession. I feel I was divinely lead to him.......and now after a "text-book" surgery and recovery I am looking forward to my new lease on life. Here's to Dr. in a trillion! Sally Sellers, RN LapRNY5/24/95 — Sally Sellers
ps.....down 22lbs pre-op and 24lbs post-op! For a grand total of 46lbs!!!!


I thought Doctor Kim was very knowledgeable. My impression just deepened as I got to know him, I found him very sensitive and concerned about just me. He called me at home on a holiday to check on me post op. He saw me several times a day at the hospital, he is really caring.
Dr Kim's program is very extensive and I have read and re-read the pre-op teaching over and over again. It helped me through every step of the sugery and recovery.
The after care program is continual and Dr Kim makes it plain that he wants us to call with any concerns! He teaches about all the risks involved. He makes no bones about telling you to stick to the diet plan and come to the meetings for success. He clearly tells you this is a weight loss tool, and we have to do our part in making it work.
I would rate him at A+++++ Top notch!
Both his surgical competence and bedside manner are grand. As an RN I am picky, and I expect alot. I got more than I ever expected from Dr Kim and his staff. I highly recommend him, 100%!
I don't have any thing negative to say. I did not have a bad experience in the least. If I felt that I did not receive correct information or care I would state it. I did research on my own, and had my own list of expectations. I am honestly giving you my experience.


My surgeon was Dr. Keith Kim of Celebration Health in Celebration, FL. His organization is US Bariatric.

I have nothing but good to say about him. I had some complications following surgery and had an extended hospital stay. He was so supportive of both me and my family. His office staff also visited me, and the hospital staff was totally professional. It was a difficult situation, but Dr. Kim and the staff went above and beyond their "duties" at all times.

US Bariatric has a very strong aftercare program -- both medically and emotionally. I feel very fortunate to have found them.


5 Stars Overall!!! Great so far.


Descriptive first impression: Young, knowledgeable, empathetic, integrity. No negative change in impression over time...sense of humor and thoroughness became more evident. His staff is very supportive...several had WLS in their pasts. Dr Kim tells everyone that aftercare is mandatory (one of the many things I liked about his approach). With regard to risks, he's straight up. At the support group meetings that I attended prior to surgery, he encouraged the individuals that had complications to share their stories...some were scary. I had complications after my surgery...couldn't eat or drink for three weeks..feeding tube remained for 2 months...infection resulted in an open wound and being out of work for months. Dr Kim may be a little more conservative than another doctor may have been, but I believe that I recovered successfully because he made me wait longer to drink/ remove tube. Dr Kim is a great doctor and a better human being!

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