Wade Barker

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.54545454545 out of 5 with 251 ratings

Wade Barker Bariatric Surgeon MD

12 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Varies

Max Age of Patient is None

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication



and 1 more...

251 Reviews for Wade Barker
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Busy, but friendly. Same impression each time I have seen him, but his office staff seems to really be on the ball when it comes to tracking progress of labs, tests, xrays, etc. Haven't heard much but good stuff about Dr. Barker.....we'll see? My surgery in 3 days on the 16th of July!!!


Dr. Barker struck me to be a very efficient Doctor and he has not wavered. I'm fully confident that he will do the best possible job. I have no complaints as of yet of him. I think future patients should be prepared to follow his instructions to the letter. Dr. Barker went through all of the risks with me in a calm detailed manner. I would recommend him highly. rnI would also advise anyone who is considering going through this procedure to try an alternative method to losing weight. There are many complications that will arise after the operation that most Doctors are just not aware of. This is a new science which has not had enough time to manifest all future complications.rn07/06/07rnStill impressed with Dr. Barker. He did my Daughter's Lap band and was awesome.. He is the guy to see about this stuff. Smart, confident. What else can you ask for.


I just met with Dr. Barker yesterday & was extremely impressed with he & his staff. I look forward to working with them. Dale & Earline are AWESOME :)


I was very impressed when I first saw met with my surgeon. He explained everything well and made me feel very confident and excited to have wls. I knew that he was very informative. His staff are wonderful people they help when needed and they always were there if there were any concerns or questions I had. Staff very neat and professional. I like my surgeon very much, there is nothing that I didn't like about surgeon or staff. Future patients should know that my surgeon in my opinion is the best in this area. I would most definently recommend him and his clinic to anyone that is seeking wls. He strongly emphasizes on aftercare and to make sure follow the program and make all appointments, if illness occurs to go to him or hospital were surgery was performed so can get proper treatment. Not all Doctors are familar with wls patients and what medications and care needed. He has a structured aftercare program that is very outstanding. He addresses the risk of surgery very well, he doesn't scare you away, make you nervous, or second thoughts about having wls. I rate my surgeon overall as a 10 the best of the best. Both his surgical competence and bedside manner is excellent.


So far, so good. My surgery has been scheduled. I seem a little rushed at first, but I know that if I had any serious questions, he would have taken the time to answer them. Very busy man, but his staff is wonderful. And all the patients I have met have given nothing but praises. Wait until surgery to add more I am sure.


My first impression was positive and has not changed. He knows what he is doing and I felt safe in his hands. He makes small sleeves because that is what he has found works best for his patients. I am pleased with my surgery. My surgery was at Vista hospital where I had excellent care. Everyone was very friendly and they took very good care of me.


I found Dr. Barker very friendly and easy to talk to, which was a nice shift for me since my previously selected surgeon was... cold. He and his staff were very willing to answer all of my questions and the seminar was very informative. Dr. Tompson (Dr. Barker's associate) was also very kind and helpful. The only slightly negative thing I have to say is that after the surgery, I never saw Dr. Barker, I saw Dr. Tompson and he was pleasant, but I would like to have seen Dr. Barker to hear how well it went from the \"horses mouth\" as they say. The aftercare program gave some very helpful nutritional advice and it also helped me make a few new friends. Overall, I never felt alone. I would recommend him in a second. He and his staff made my decision so much easier.


No comment.


I was very impressed with Dr. Barker's office staff from the first phone call I made. They have always made me feel like this is going to work. They have put me to ease about all the paper work involved and that I can trust them to get it all done. Dale has been such a great support person. He's like a father figure there cheering me on.rnDr. Barker made me feel at ease from the moment he walked in the room. I had my daughter with me and he even spoke to her. He wanted her to know he was going to take care of me and that everything would be ok.rnAt this point I am at the \"hurry up and wait\" stage. My paper work has been sent to the insurance comapany and we are just waiting on the ok to schedule my surgery date. rnI know I have made the right decision with Dr. Barker.rnRight now I ahve nothing negative to say about the office. Yes you do have to wait sometimes to be seen but I believe that good thigns come to those who wait. I dont' want to be rushed in and out of a doctor's office.


Dr. Barker is the nicest, most patient doctor. I have enjoyed every visit I have had with him. He has taken very good care of me. My only complaint is the waiting time in his office and the sitting arrangements. Expect to wait up to 2 hours. I am a working girl so this is hard for me. He now does fills. Stay away from Dr. Maese and doing the fills. Man is crazy! I recommend Dr. Barker in a heart beat.

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