Frank Veninga

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.57142857143 out of 5 with 106 ratings

Frank Veninga Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

26 yr Experience

13 yr in Bariatrics

25 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

13 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

75% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 80

106 Reviews for Frank Veninga
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I met with Dr. Veninga and he made me feel very comfortable and reassured. I'm so excited to be having this surgery w/him. I know I'm in good hands and that this will be a smooth transition. The office staff is great, I love Barbara she did a wonderful job working w/the insurance company and staying on top of things. My surgery is on the 12th of May and I'll let you know how my aftercare is at that time, I'm everything will be great. My surgery was uneventful except for the nicked artery, other than that everything went well. I'm almost 2 weeks out now and I feel wonderful, I've lost a total of 25 lbs and that includes a 2 week liquid fast before surgery.


2013 - lapband to VSG

Dr Veninga did my lapband surgery in 2004. I am converting to a gastric sleeve on 10/31/13 and cannot wait. Of course, I returned to Dr. V for the revision to gastric sleeve - he's wonderful!

I love Dr. V, Barbara, Debbie, Marisol - they are wonderful!

Absolutely recommend Dr. Veninga and his staff!!!
I met Annette when I dropped off my paperwork on 12/5/03. She was wonderful and supportive.

I met Dr. Veninga and Barbara at the introductory seminar given monthly for those considering WLS. I can't say enough good things about Dr. Veninga and Barbara. They were kind, concerned and sensitive; they were willing to answer any questions.
Barbara has been awesome at getting every bit of the pretesting done so I can have surgery within 30 days of the approval - she rocks!

I met with Dr. Veninga on Jan 9th and my Lapband surgery is Jan. 29th. He was patient and knowledgeable. He took the time to answer all my questions. He was never judgemental or pretentious. I believe he is marvelous.

I love Barbara. She has been good to me and I see how good she is to others. Are these people angels?

My surgery was great! I am eight days post op and my incisions are healing beautifully. I only missed a Thursday, Friday and Monday of work. Day six, Tuesday, was rough but I was able to work. By Wednesday, only children's tylenol was needed.

How brilliant a surgeon is one (Dr. Veninga) who can leave neat incisions plus achieve the objective of a successful lap band? I am so impressed with Dr. Veninga's skills. I would support him with any surgery. He rocks.


Dr. Veninga has a wonderful bedside manner. He has a great sense of humor. I have felt reassured and safe everytime I have been in his presence. He took excellent care of me during my surgery, and pulled me safely over to the losing side. I thank him and his staff from the bottom of my heart!


I met Dr. Veninga first a couple years ago, when I first looked into this. My experience both time were great. Dr. V is very personable and easy to talk to. He has an easy smile and makes you very comfortable. The visit was informative, and he encourages you to ask as many questions as you need. He explains te risks and the benefit, and tells you what to expect post-op. Frankly, it was a great experience. He and his office staff were very kind and helpful. I got the overal impression that they were skilled healthcare providers and that I was in very good hands.


I met Dr. Veninga at his seminar in September and am very happy to report he is in my insurances network. I have been researching the surgery for about 2 years and been doing research extensively over the past month. Everyone at Dr. V's office seems great and willing to answer any questions. Dr. V also showed great interest when answering questions at his seminar. I am looking forward to putting my trust in him and having my surgery ASAP!


I have had 2 visits with Dr. Veninga. He seems very knowledgable and nice. He was very informative and helpful. His staff is wonderful. They are very nice and friendly. I am scheduled to have surgery on September 4th, 2003. I am very excited and can't wait to be on the other side losing weight.


Dr. Veninga made me feel comfortable, was very honest and knowledgeable. I felt as if I was opening up to a long time friend. The initial consulation was so helpful in understanding why I was having this type of surgery. He was honest and didn't try to push me into something I wasn't sure about. He even honestly advised to me other options. Since my PCP had good things to say about him, and after his Team meetings, I knew he cared. At the meeting he answered every question asked, and didn't try to rush the answers where you couldn't understand. I had no problems getting approved by my insurance carrier. Everyone on his team who did my pre-test were friendly and explained the pre-surgery test. This meant so much to me, because it let me know Dr. Veninga wanted to do these test to have sucessful healing period afterwards. Along with no suprises the day of the surgery. I am healing and doing everything he has asked that I do to continue healing. He is a honest, and thoughtful surgeon, both he and his staff are very supportive. I give them all an A+


He is awesome, very caring and sincere. My first impression of him. I was kind of intimidated at first. I guess that's the "He's got more degrees than God" on the wall. After we started talking I felt at ease. He really cares about his patients and really doesn't mind what I considered stupid questions. His office staff is really nice and even when I called about 50 times treated me like it was my first. I had to travel clear across the world to get to his office, cuz I live in SW Fort Worth, but it was well worth the drive. He explained the procedure all the good and bad, scary and all.....Stressed the emphasis that this is only a tool and is involved in all that Trinity Medical Center has to offer to bariatric patients. I give him a thumbs up.


I met Dr Veninga at his open meeting held by him and his nurse. I really like his staff so far. I have had several problems with my PCP getting a current diet history together (required by Cigna HMO). He did the referral with no problem but nothing else. Passed the buck to Dr Veninga. His staff has reccommended another PCP for me that is very good with obese patients. Hopefully he will help me more.
Dr Veninga is a little dry and technical but he seems very knowledgable about all procedures that are available. He did take the time to answer questions during the meeting but also afterwards in private. I think he will be a good choice for me.
He has a very structured aftercare program. We even got to meet two of his former patients who said even after two years he still checks up on them.
I will add more about the doctor as time progresses for me since I am just getting started.


My first impression is that he is GREAT. I went to the siminar he had and was very impressed. Now all I need to do is get approval from the insurance co.

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