IDS Vendor

These contain mostly collagen protein, which is made from boiled skin and hooves of cows. It's a very poor source of protein because it does not have all the amino acids. Therefore you would get very little protein from this product. Waste of money. Might as well drink eat some Jello - you'd get about as much protein, it's cheaper and probably tastes better.
(indicates that they have used the product)
Some of the best Wey protein I have ever used. Most protein does not mix very well and has gritty texture. IDS is smooth in all aspects. Taste like Choclate milk. I normally mix mine with water and it is still great tasting. With milk it makes you feel like you are cheating...
(indicates that they have used the product)
This is a really poor source of protein. It's mostly collagen protein, which is an incomplete protein. It does not have all the amino acids we need. It's also just not absorbed well. It does have a little whey isolate thrown in but not enough to make it worth drinking. You will not really get as much protein as the label says from it. I think the name is deceptive; many people suppose it's all whey protein, which it is not.
(indicates that they have used the product)
These contain mostly collagen protein, which is an incomplete protein, meaning they don't have all the amino acids we need. And it's just not absorbed well. Therefore you won't really get much protein out of them. They are a very poor choice for a protein supplement.
(indicates that they have used the product)