Wade Barker

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.54545454545 out of 5 with 251 ratings

Wade Barker Bariatric Surgeon MD

12 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Varies

Max Age of Patient is None

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication



and 1 more...

251 Reviews for Wade Barker
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Dr Barker is awesome. I did not see him before or after my surgery, which did bother me, but he did return my phone calls and has answered my questions to my satisfaction. The fact that he has a 0% death rate and is the most skilled and experienced doctor in Dallas really set my mind at ease. His office staff have been AMAZING!! I called everyday before me surgery and they never treated me as if I were a pain in the butt, which I am sure that I was. I had gone through all my pre-op with Dr Victor Gonzalez and I switched to Dr Barker about 2 weeks before my surgery. I decided not to stay with Doctor G because his nurse was horrible. She did not keep me informed with anything, scheduled my surgery without my knowledge and treated me like I was nobody when I called. I knew my life was about to change and the fact that Amy was rude did not help. I chose Dr Barker because his office staff has been so great and if you think about it, the office staff is who you will see the most often and it is important for them to be supportive and nice because they are the ones that are going to walk you through the biggest change of your life. I would not have picked anyone else.


My first impression of him is she is CUTE! rnNo change in my impression he is still cute. He is very nice, he answered all my questions and you better believe I was drilling him. I had to wait a while to see him but it was worth the wait. I did not mind at all because he knows my name. He passed me in the hall while I was talkin to the lady about my benefits and he said Hey Ka'lly. That meet alot to me. His office Staff is remarkable. They know their stuff. The think I liked least about him was , I only seen him twice thru out my diet...but I guess there was really no need for me. Future patients should know he a great doctor. I will update more about him after my surgery.


I was impressed with Dr Barker from the first visit. He wanted to know who I was and about me. I was not a number to him. Like I felt at another office I had been to... The staff is great, especially the guys that get you precerted for surgery. They do all the work for you and are so great at it. Barker spent all the time with my husband and I answering questions that we had until we were satisfied. We knew exactly what to expect and things went just as planned. Barker and his team are the best and I send my patients who are looking for bariatrics to him. The are professional and very pleasant. The only drawback is that you have to wait a while because he gets to talking with the patients... but when that is me in there with him, I what that time with him too. Plus... the other office that I visited was just the same way. It must come with the business. So, bring a good book or watch the movie they have playing in their grand waiting room. They even hand out healthy snacks. Gotta love it.


Dr. Barker is awesome! His staff is incredible. He does have a busy office, but I think the wait is worth it.


PRIOR TO SURGERY:rnrnMy primary physician Dr. Paul Worrell recommended me to Dr. Barker; I have two great doctors that have given me nothing but stellar medical service!rnrnMy first impression of Dr. Barker and his staff was that they are very thorough, friendly, professional, warm, patient and very understanding of my needs and concerns. The office is neat, clean and accommodating. The staff is patient and listens to what I have to say, which gives me the comfort needed to get through my weight loss surgery (WLS).rnrnI have been to see thus far Dr. Barker and his staff twice. The initial visit lasted for 4 hours and I was not just sitting and waiting I talked with the staff getting prepared, giving information, etc the entire time I was there! Wow, I was very surprised at how detailed, how thorough, kind, friendly and patient everyone was it was a good thing I took the entire day off I had no idea it would take that long!rnrnThe second visit also was a long one, I was there from 1:30pm - 5:00pm, now on this visit I was a little annoyed with how long I had to wait, and I sat in the lobby until about 4:00pm before I was able to see anyone! I even went up to the desk a couple of times to find out if I was forgotten (I had a 4pm appointment with my primary), but when I could be seen it was one-on-one treatment and I can understand that some patients may have more to say that others which may cut in on others scheduled time.rnrnI was seen by Dr. Thompson, Internal Medicine, which he explained everything that will happen during surgery, which I understood, I was also able to ask questions (which I had several questions that I printed from OH's website which basically were the same questions/concerns that others had) that he went over in detailed.rnrnThen I spoke with Kevin, Dr. Barker's assistant that went over the risks of WLS in detail.rnFinally I was seen by Dr. Barker and he went over my details of my EGD test, says everything looked great, asked if I had any questions I said no, felt that everything was explained to me and that I felt very comfortable to with my visit.rnrnAfter seeing Dr. Barker I was seen by Earline (awesome personality, bubbly and full of energy, personable and thorough) which gave me my options for where and what date I would have my surgery. I now have a date, but my only concern is that my hospital chosen is out-of-network, but I was informed that the charge would be written-off. I need to investigate this with my insurance carrier before committing to the hospital chosen.rnrnWith each visit, they have gone over the importance of following the guidelines of my diet and eating right, exercise and attending the weight loss seminars. Dr. Barker is so dedicated to his patients that he has a workout facility available to his patients, for his patients at anytime. He says this way we do not have to rely on memberships, or being with people that are not like us and that we would have the physical therapist and dieticians available to us.rnrnRight now I have nothing but positive things to say about Dr. Barker and his staff, I feel very comfortable about him performing the surgery and his dedication to me as his patient. I would recommend him to anyone that I know that is having WLS.rnrnI believe that surgical competence, bedside manner are both important!rnrn


The best staff really encouraging to everyone. Help me get approved after being denide.


I love love love this man for what he has done for me.He gave me the tool to help me get to where I am today.Without his help I would be over weight the rest of my life.


Dr Barker friendly, seemingly shy. I felt like a # with in his office instead of an individual. The feeling increased as incidents increased within the office. First, my file was lost and the insurance company wasn't even called for a month after my initial visit. They never forgot to collect money or call if money was needed but did forget me in the waiting room, when I was the first patient of the day. I almost changed Dr's during the last step before the surgery. But I just kept remembering all the references of how Dr Barker is the best in Dallas. rnrnI had bleeding complications in the hospital, I won't go into it all, but I felt I was deserted. The nurses were frustrated with my surgeon and the hospital bariatric manager assigned another surgeon for my hospital stay. I felt helpless and alone. The presented lack of concern from the surgeon made me scared and anxious which could have easily been relieved if my surgeon showed he was there and on top of the situation.rnrnI'm 2 weeks and 4 days post op, I'm Extremely weak, I assume due to the blood loss, but I don't know. The complications were not any error of the surgeon, just a personal complication. At this point I think the surgery was performed very successfully. I have no trouble swallowing and my pain level was very acceptable. But I'm still concerned, because I don't how to address any health issues that may arrive, currently including the extreme tiredness/lack of energy.rnrnOCTOBER 1rnDr Barker spoke with me yesterday. He apologized for the misunderstanding during the hospital stay and had an explanation of what occurred. I believe his apology was sincere and have accepted it. I'm going to trust my experience is not his norm and move forward in our patient/physician relationship to hopeful successful results.


My first impression of Dr. Barker was his caring spirit, the time he took to consultant me. His office was full of patients but for once I didn't feel like my doctor only had 15 minutes to spare. He was very thorough in every part of the process. He set expectations and told me to follow his lead. He was very thoughtful and patient with me. He has a fully loaded weight room with equipment and a Physical Therapist, he said when you come to your appts I don't want you sitting around watching movies, I want you to take advantage of the Physical Therapist.rnrnDr. Barker's staff is out of this world. They are delightful, the environment is always busy and fast paced but you never hear them huff, puff, complain and they always have a smile on their face, most of all they listen and return calls.rnrnI go back on 9/18 to discuss my EGD and Surgery appt.


Dr. Barker is the best. My surgery is scheduled for Sept. 29 and I am ready! My first impression was good. He's a nice man and really personable. Everything was explained and all of my questions were answered. The staff is terrific and everything has been really organized. My advice to new patients is to schedule your appointments in the morning because you will spend a lot of time in the waiting room for afternoon appointments. Dr. Barker and his staff really emphasize aftercare. Surgery risks were addressed and explained thoroughly. I rate Dr. Barker a 10. Between surgical competence and bedside manner, surgical competence is the most important. I have several friends who have gone to Dr. Barker. They are all doing great and very happy!

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