Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 149 ratings

Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez Bariatric Surgeon MD, Ph.D, FACS.

Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

8 yr Experience

8 yr in Bariatrics

8 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

99% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 12

Max Age of Patient is 70

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication

ORBERA Intragastric Balloon

and 3 more...

149 Reviews for Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez
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I had a wonderful experience with Dr. Pompa and her staff, they were all awesome in every way, I was very well informed before and after my surgery and thanks to that I have been able to loose a lot of weight and have not had any unfortunate incidents. The clinic is very well managed and the entire personnel is very well trained in their specific areas.


I was very impressed by Dr. Pompa, she seemed very well prepared and confident and immediately gained my trust, she was very clear with her information and not left anything out, she was very direct, I wasn't just told what I wanted to hear, she is very honest and I thank her for it. Her staff is a lot like her, they are very ethical and well trained and give the best service, I have no bad things to say. Thank you all for assisting me the way you did.


Everyone in Dr. Pompa's team is great starting with her of course, from the people that pick you up at the airport, to the receptionist, to the maintenance guy, everybody, they all have the best attitude and make you feel very comfortable. Bariatric surgery is scary and they help you relax and make you feel confident, I couldn't have asked for a better group of people.


I was worried at fist having to go to Tijuana, Mexico to get my surgery done, I was wrong. The clinic is fabulous, the installations, the location of it, everything was just wonderful. There is a golf course behind the clinic and the view is unbelievable, the hotel were you stay at is a five star hotel and it is right next to the clinic, in fact, you are just about 5 to 10 minutes away from the border. Dr. Pompa is amazing, a true artist and her staff is great too. There is no going wrong when choosing these people, I am glad to say that they are all professionals and perfectly trained.


All I want to say is that Dr, Pompa and her staff were fantastic, they are all well educated, well prepared and very warm. Dr. Pompa is simply marvelous, she explained the entire process of the surgery, informed me of all the risks that are involved in these surgeries and made certain I understood it all, her an her staff were also very interested in letting me know everything there is to know about the aftercare, in fact, they still call me from time to time to see how am I doing.


I was very impressed with Dr. Pompa's professionalism and knowledge, she gave me a lot of information and made sure everything was fully understood, her stuff was wonderful too. Everybody at the clinic treated me and my husband with a lot of respect and were very helpful.


Dr. Pompa just help me to change my life, she agree to do my bypass surgery and I just got it 3 weeks ago, I think that she has a lot of knowledge on the bariatric field because I visit other doctors before her and they where only interested on selling me the most expensive procedure, she explain me why the bypass was the best for me and how would it help on my diabetes, I really thank you Doctor, well if you read this, because your post-op care is amazing, you guy have call me more than my own family to check how I was after the surgery and to see if I was all ready back in my place. Thanks for every thing to the staff too because they treat me like a queen and I thing that I deserve that for once in my life.


I always used to feel with our energy, tired and sleepy, I had no clue why? I talk to one of my friends and she said that my overweight might be the reason why I was feeling that way. I was 220 pounds and I'm 5'7'', right know I'm still in the change phase, I just got the lap band 4 weeks ago, so that means that I new in all this of Obesity help and post-op care, but I think that I did the right choice, I went with Dr. Pompa and she explain me all about the lap band surgery, they did a pre-op nutritionist evaluation to check where I was before the surgery and if I needed some kind of vitamin or mineral before and after the surgery, they measure my fat, and ohhh my God!! I was pure fat, I got shock when the nutritionist told me how much of my weight was on fat tissue, I'm not even going to put that in here but just for you to know, I'm scared, I need to loose a lot of fat.rnI been feeling really good after the surgery, the diet is easy, they are telling me week by week what should I eat, the type of exercise and all that I might wonder about the post op care. I really recommend this surgical team and Dr. Pompa. They had help me a lot.


Dr. Pompa and her staff were fantastic, they gave me a lot of information on the first meeting which helped me decide to have the gastric surgery, when I was in the clinic I received the best care and in a very good manner and a big plus was that I was able to have my wife with me the whole time and they treated her the same.


I just return back home from my surgery at LIMARP with Dr. Pompa, that was a exciting trip, I really did not knew what to expect because it was all new for me, but I got so amazed, the hotel is so nice, 5 stars, and then the clinic, I had the perfect view to a golf course in my room, some thing really important for me is that the bathrooms are really clean, well I'm a mom and I'm always cleaning in my house so I had to be sure that every thing was perfect, and it was. rnThen I met Dr. Pompa in person, she looks great, better than her picture, well she is really cute. About her professional skill, what can I say? I got my surgery done in 1 hour and I had no pain after the surgery, I guess that the medication was really good on me because every body said that I was telling jocks at the OR :)rnShe is a great surgeon, very intelligent and wise, I think that her CV is really amazing with what she know, she has more credentials than any other surgeon of her age and even older. I really enjoy this days at Tijuana, Mexico. Every body was really nice to me and I thank them all for their attention.+rn

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