Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 149 ratings

Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez Bariatric Surgeon MD, Ph.D, FACS.

Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

8 yr Experience

8 yr in Bariatrics

8 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

99% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 12

Max Age of Patient is 70

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication

ORBERA Intragastric Balloon

and 3 more...

149 Reviews for Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez
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As I have said on many occasions to many different people Dr. Pompa besides being a magnificent Dr. and a wonderful surgeon, is a beautiful human being, she treated me with a lot of dignity and respect and help fully understand what a gastric surgery is and what was best one for me, I asked a ton of questions and she didn't mind anyone of them she said that there were no dumb questions and she understood every concern I had. Dr. Pompa didn't push me into making a decision but she did help me find a solution. I am glad I met her and greatly value her support and assistance, I will be grateful to her my entire life, oh boy! and what could I say about that wonderful staff, each and everyone of them made my stay very pleasant and satisfying, I thanked them all for their professionalism and lovely attitude as well as their magnificent attention from the bottom of my heart.


My first impression of Dr. Pompa was of a really smart person, she is very well read and it is almost unbelievable how much she knows, when I left her office I was very well informed about the different types of gastric surgeries and the risks involved, together we made a decision on what procedure was best for me and I am very happy I took this step and even more so that it was done by her.rnHer staff is very good and friendly and they sure make you feel glad you are there.


As soon as I met Dr. Pompa I wanted her as my surgeon, right away she made me feel comfortable and anxious to get my surgery done. She gave a lot of information and explained some risks but everything in life has a risk. I am glad to have met such a professional lady and so dedicated to her work, there is nothing bad I can say about Dr. Pompa and her staff who rock, they are some of the most wonderful people one can have the pleasure of meeting and they are all bilingual and very well trained.rn


Dr. Pompa is very direct, she will give it to you straight forward and with no hesitation, she will tell everything you need to know and more, and is not shy when it comes to answering questions. Her staff is the same way, they are all very nice but will not lie to you just to make you feel good, up front they let you know that it is hard work and that there is only so much they can do for you, in other words it is up to the individual.


I was amazed at how much Dr. Pompa knows, the way she explains everything, theres no way for one to get confused. She is very clear and very open to any question, she makes sure one leaves her office completely understanding what you are getting in to, she made me feel comfortable and safe even knowing there are risks. Her staff was not different than her, it's a very well trained personnel as it should be which leaves you with no doubt in your mind.


Dr. Pompa, you and your staff are the best in my book. Thank you for helping me fully understand what I needed to do before and after my surgery and also for answering all my questions and I know they were a lot. As I told you before, you were not the first Doctor I saw, but you were the only one that felt sincere, honest and unique.rnI can't say much more just \"forever thank you\"


Dr. Pompa is amazing, she truly knows her business and it shows she enjoys it. When I first contacted her, I didn't know what to expect, I was very nervous and had a lot of questions but she was in no hurry and took whatever time she needed with me to make sure I completely understood the surgery, the process before and after it and helped me make a decision without pushing me. Her staff is great too. Everyone at that clinic walks around with a smile and they are always ready to help you wen you need them plus they all have good advise to give.


As I said in my story, Dr. Pompa is such a lovely person, she is a sweet heart, she is very skill in lap surgery, and one thing that I really appreciate from her is that she took the time to explain me all my questions, and believe me I had a lot, I'm not that wise as a lot of people and she treat me really good, I can't even say how long did the surgery took because in less than a hour I was back in my room and conscience, that is amazing.rnThe clinic is really big, I had a view to the golf course and I loved it. Very relaxing.rn


Dr. Pompa look really young but she has all the knowledge that an old surgeon would have, she is very professional and has a lot of surgical skills. During the entire process I received the best attention. Since I got to the city there were 2 people to greet me and to make sure I had everything I needed and they took me to a 5 star Hotel where I was very comfortable and had a chance to relax in the sauna before my surgical day. rnAs soon as I entered the clinic I got the best attention and was well taken care of.rnIt was one day that I spend at the clinic and I could see and meet all the staff, they are so friendly and work really good, a nurse was with me at all time and I had a doctor at the clinic the 24 hours just in case I need it. I think that most people wonder about having surgery in a foreign country, but I can say that in my experience it was a 5 stars attention.rn


All I can say is that Dr. Pompa and her staff are the best, they made sure I was well informed before and after surgery and that I knew the risks of the procedure.rnThey call me to see how I've been doing and to give me even more advice, They are awesome people and I am glad they were the team I chose starting with the Dr. who is brilliant.

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