George Ferzli

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.96 out of 5 with 569 ratings

George Ferzli Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

George Ferzli Bariatric Surgeon Picture

40 yr Experience

24 yr in Bariatrics

34 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

24 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 80

Gastric Balloon

Adjustable Gastric Band

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


and 4 more...

569 Reviews for George Ferzli
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My first impression of Dr.Ferzli was very good he is very soft spoken and kind. He answered all my questions pre-op and reminded me if I had any questions to feel free to call him. rnrnAfter the surgery, I had even more respect for Dr.Ferzli because I was so afraid laying on the operating table waiting for him to come in, when he finally came in, I told him I was afraid and he said everything will be alright and held my hand until I fell asleep!rnrnThe office staff is very kind and patient, trust me, I have called them a zillion times!rnrnFuture patients will love Dr.Ferzli. He is very trusting and kind.rnrnAftercare is very important! Especially the nutricianists appointments and blood work!rnrnThere is a structured aftercare that is given to you in the intial visit package.rnrnDr.Ferzli did advise me of all the risks, but also added that being that heavy was also a greater risk!rnrnI would rate Dr.Ferzli and his team and A+!!!!! There are all amazing and gave me my new lease on life!!!!! Thank-you ever so much!!!!rnrnI believe both sugical competence, bedside manners are equally important. But Dr.Ferzli is the number one surgeon around. He even removed my gallbladder many years ago. I was back to work in no time with both surgeries!


I met with Dr Ferzli early 2007. He went over everything and he seemed very impressed I had most of my stuff his office required done already, I thought he was very thorough and caring, After my surgery is when I really was wowed, Had a few issues and he was very cautious with me. He had his staff check on me and when he came in he kissed me hello and asked me how I was doing. He made me feel so comfortable. His staff is great they will answer all your questions and if they don't know the answer they will find out for you. Kevin has followed up with me after an issue with ulcers I had. I love them there. Dr Ferzli is an amazing surgeon and I think his bedside manner is awesome as well. I would recommend him to everyone. I love my RNY and would do it over and over everyday. Thank you so much Dr Ferzli!


My first impression of Dr Ferzli was that of confidence. I was impressed with his level of experience and status in the Staten Island Community. My impression after surgery was that of confirmation. All that I expected regarding his history proved out to be correct. The staff at Dr Ferzli's office was a very professional environment. Each staff member made me feel comfortable. They should be aware that Dr Ferzli may seem quiet in his stance, but he's a very talented, competent, surgeon. Dr Ferzli instructed me to make sure my other Dr's were aware of my meds, my surgeon and recommended that we all work together to ensure optimal results. My orientation with Dr Ferzli's staff as well as himself informed me of the risk involved. There were several orientations and lots of information to take home to look over. Dr Ferzli as well as his staff walked me through the entire process, without any wondering or misinformation. They constantly checked in on me, constantly made sure my paper work was accurate for the insurance comoany. They even battled for me when I first recieved a letter of rejection. They stood by me until the insurance company approved my application for surgery. Both Surgical competence and bedside manners and attentiveness was TOP QUALITY. I would HIGHTLY recommend Dr Ferzli for Bariatric surgery. Him Being a member of the staff that patened Laparoscopic surgery, places him in a catagory that can truly be trusted when it comes to a succesful surgery.


My first impression of Dr. Ferzli was that he was not very personable. Over time, I realized that he is very good at what he does and his professionalism comes through first above everything else. His office staff are sincere and courteous. They are very knowledgeable about the proceedures. Future patients should know that they are in very good hands. The aftercare program is put together with nutritionists and group counseling. Overall, I would rate him on a scale of 1-10, a 10! He was wonderful.


I had surgery in Sept. and I am very happy with the results. The office staff have been supportive through the process prior tp surgery. The office staff are friendly and knowledge of the program which made my experience better. I rate the office as excellent.


I had an excellent experience with Dr Ferzli and His entire Staff from my first visit all the way to my postop visits. Dr. Ferzli was very easy going with great bedside manner. He always keeps his composure and never lost his cool. He always took the time to explain things to me, he even gave me his personal cell phone number to call him anytime I needed. I had my surgery July 2008 and Iam required to followup with Dr. Ferzli and the nutritionists regularly. I would recommend His program to anyone who requires weight loss surgery.


I met with Dr. Ferzli for my intial consultation in July 2007. He explained everything very thoroughly from the initial medical workup to having the surgery. He reviewed the risks and benefits of having the surgery completely. His Bariatric team (nutritionist and coordinator) was very helpful throughout the entire process. I had my surgery on July 2nd 2008 and see Dr. Ferzli and his staff regularly. They continue to be very helpful and answer any questions I may have. They require that I follow up with them routinely.


Dr. Ferzli is and has been a source of confidence and calm for me both before and since my gastric bypass. I researched very carefully for months before choosing a surgeon, and having recently completed my surgery can tell you that I am positive I made the right decision. Dr. Ferzli, on top of being recognized as one of the best in his field, has shown me real personal care and concern. Prior to surgery I did not have much contact with him. His office staff answered most of my questions. When we did meet, he was open and informative. I was happy to hear him honestly evaluate my surgery choices. I was also comforted to hear him talk about the possibility of a failed procedure. By this I mean he discussed with me the chance of him being unable to actually do the surgery if, when he began, there were unforseen problems. While this is something I did not want to even think about, I was glad he was thinking about it. Since our pre-surgery contact was limited, the real test for me was how extraordinary his care was after my surgery. I had some complications in the hospital, and not only did he personally see me five of the six days I was there, he made sure on the one day he could not see me that I saw several of his associates. Having a quick, easy surgery with a skilled surgeon is what we all hope for, but having a superior surgeon with a superior staff is something we all need. Dr. Ferzli fits that bill. My recovery, while difficult, was not stressfull simply because I was confident that I had the best care possible from the best surgeon possible, one who took the time to know me and cared about my health.


My first impression of Dr. Ferzli was that he really wanted to enable meto have a better quality of life. He looked past my weight. He didn't look at me as so many doctors before had with pity, instead he was emphatic about being able to offer me a better quality of life. And that is just what Dr. Ferzli was able to accomplish with his talent. A BETTER QUALIFY OF LIFE. Now when I go shopping I don't feel like I am invisible. Salespeople actually smile and offer assistance. rnrnHis office staff is pleasant and runs so efficiently. The staff is here to provide you with guidance to help you keep the weight off, all you have to do is make the commitment and keep coming.


My doctor was Dr. Geore Ferzli and i absolutly loved him! my first impression of him was that he was very nice and i was very happy that at my age of 18 someone finally took me serious. As time went on i grew to like him more and more. His office staff is really friendly when you get to no them. Some people would say that they hate a blunt doctor but this is what i loved the most about him. He never beat around the bush he put it just how it was and was always truthful. Dr. Ferzli and his staff explain every part of this surgery from the begining to the end including the aftercare numerous times each time you there, You will be fully educated on this surgery by time you're ready to make your decision. They were right on point with everything they said becuase when i woke up after my surgery i felt pain but it was modorate and bearable. Through out the whole recovery time i didn't cry once. He always told use the risks of the surgery just how it was so u no what you are in for. Dr. Ferzli has both great bedside manner and surgical competence. I had my surgery on November 25.2008 and was still in the hospital on Thanksgiving (11/27/08) and i didnt expect my doctor to come in that day i just figured a diffrent doctor would come to see me but early on Thanksgiving morning he came to see me and gave me a big hug and brighted my day because i was depressed about not being with my family. This comes show he is truely a great & kind doctor. I would rate my doctor a 10/10 cause he did a great job on me and im sure he'll do a great job on you too!

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