George Ferzli

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.96 out of 5 with 569 ratings

George Ferzli Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

George Ferzli Bariatric Surgeon Picture

40 yr Experience

24 yr in Bariatrics

34 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

24 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 80

Gastric Balloon

Adjustable Gastric Band

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


and 4 more...

569 Reviews for George Ferzli
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My first impression of him was that he was a very confident doctor, that made me feel confident.rnrnMy impression really never changed he made me feel confident about the whole procedure.rnrn Dr Ferzli's office staff are very helpful and understanding, somtimes i would call 2-3 times a day with questions and they were always acommidating and very nice to talk with.rnrnI can truly say there is nothing that i didnt like about my experince with Dr ferzli.rnrnFuture patients should know that he gets right to point and tells you like it is and is, he is a very busy Doctor.rnrnHe couldnt emphasize enough about what to do after surgery, always ask what i was do and told me what not to do.rnrnThe aftercare program they have i followed to the letter and I am do terrific and feel great.rnrnHe addressed the risks of this surgery like i said before right to the point and explaind everything in details. positives and negatives.rnrnI would rate Dr Ferzli in my book #1 , he truly is a great surgeon, and a man who has changed my life for the better.rnrnBoth and he has both.rnrnOne more thing to add my stay at the hopital (Luthern Medical Center) was outstanding his staf at the hospital was the best ive ever had in any hospital. I would and have recommend Dr Ferzli and his entire staff to any one who brings up this procedure.


Dr Ferzli is a kind compassionate, reassuring professional. Lovely bedside manner. His associates were also personable, educational and professional. His office staff is thorough and will answer all your questions. Even on busy days, you will get through. Kevin, Dr Ferzli's liason is an asset to the staff. I use Laura as my nutritionist, and she too is caring and wonderful, and always available to help you over a hurdle. rnrnThe process before surgery was time consuming but worth it. You learn alot about your overall health. The whole process started in November for me and I had surgery in July, so it was about 9 months total. Again, Kevin will help guide you through the whole process.


The weight loss program provided by Dr. Ferzli and his staff is very good. My overall experience with them has been very positive. The staff was extremely helpful and very friendly. I felt very confident with Dr. Ferzli as my surgeon. I would definitely recommend him to others considering bariatric surgery.


i was very impressed with Dr. FerzlirnMy impression of Dr. Ferzli has not changedrnThe office staff has always been very helpful in every way.rnI have found nothing negative about Dr. Ferzli.rnFuture patients should know that Dr. Ferzlirnis an excellent doctor and has always been friendly and caring to me.rnDr. Ferzli always reminds me to follow the routine and always makes sure to ask me ifrnI have any questions that haven't been answered.rnYes, there is a structured after care program.rnDr. Ferzli explained all the risks involved withrnmy surgery and I still felt it was necessary forrnme.rnI would rate Dr. Ferzli as a 10 in a 1-10 survey.rnI think both are great.


The process of getting approved by my insurance company was a long one-about 11 months. It was very frustrating and disappointing to have to wait so long. But the staff and the doctor were all very nice and couldn't be more accommodating. Some possible risks were discussed but they would not help me decide which procedure to choose-lap or bypass. So for months I went back and forth trying to decide. The pros and cons of each procedure were discussed, but in the end, they wanted the final decision to be mine. I met with his nurse, Kevin, who runs the program for him, met with the surgeon, the psychologist, and nutritionist. They were all equally as nice too. I also went to their group meetings. Many, many questions were asked and answered with no problems. When it finally came time to the actual surgery, I was very nervous. But the day surgery center stay was brief and before I knew it, the anesthesiologist was walking me to the OR. Everyone in the OR made me feel very comfortable and before I knew it I was asleep. When I awoke in the recovery room, there was some pain. Pain meds were given and by 3pm that same day, I was walking around the recovery room without too much discomfort. Then I went to the intensive care where the care was very good. I must say that when I went to the regular floor, the care left something to be desired. I was left without food or water even though I asked many times. When Dr. Ferzli's assistant came in he asked how I was tolerating the fluids I was prescribed. I told him that I had not yet had anything by mouth even though I was asking for hours. He got me something to drink & some Jello. ( I had asked for liquids for 12 hours before I finally got something that I was cleared to have and was supposed to have to see if I could tolerate the fluids before being discharged.) The doctor and his assistants were very nice. They were very attentive to me and allowed me to ask many questions while I was in the hospital. Overall this was a positive experience and I would urge anyone considering using Dr. Ferzli not to hesitate. You will not be disappointed with the level of care & service you will receive.


My first impression of Dr Ferzli was that he was very concerned about my well being. He reviewed all of the risks and benifts of the procedure with me. He explained what was going to happen once I went into the operating room and reassured me that everything was going to be fine. His office staff are very polite and make me feel comfortable everytime I go into to office. Dr. ferzli has a specific aftercare program that I follow. I would rate my overall experience on a scale fromm 0-10 a 9.


From the start, Dr. Ferzli presented to me a very professional and straightforward demeanor. Once I was able to speak with him, I was able to confirm my impression. In our first meeting, Dr. Ferzli outlined everything I would be looking forward to, from the intial meeting, to all the medical clearance I would need to obtain, and of course, surgery itself. He was very honest and exhibited his competence throughout the meeting and this was a pleasant surprise to me. He was very calming and made me confident that the decision to undergo surgery was completely mine and that he and his staff would support me every step of the way. This remained the case even to this day, well after I underwent Bariatric surgery.rnrnThe staff at Dr. Ferzli's office is more than I ever could have wished for. They are very efficient, inviting, and had (and still have) my best interests in mind. They made me aware of everything I needed to know and were very much conscious of my progress througout my process. The office itself is the central site for many of my obligations, including support meetings, nutritionist and psychologist appointments, and of course, Dr. Ferzli himself. I always feel comfortable when I go into the office and have been treated with courtesy and a true sense of caring.rnrnTo be honest, if there is anything you need to know about Dr. Ferzli, it is that you will be given care from one of the Top-Rated and highly sought-after surgeons in the world and that you will not be disappointed. He will be honest with you and will help answer any questions you have directly. Dr. Ferzli, however, is only one part of the successful equation. YOU NEED TO FOLLOW THE RULES! This is the first thing I tell all prospective patients that I meet. Having success with this procedure is very much a self-motivated endeavor. Dr. Ferzli and his staff will do everything possible to facilitate your success, but in the end, YOU need to be the one dedicated to making the most of this procedure and your new lifestyle. YOU CAN DO IT!rnrnPart of the success you will realize after surgery has to do with the care you receive AFTER your procedure. Dr. Ferzli and his staff ABSOLUTELY STRESS THE IMPORTANCE of aftercare and following up with doctors and with Dr. Ferzli. After all, how else will they know just how great you look if you don't go to see them? It is imperative to monitor yourself after the procedure, and while Dr. Ferzli and his staff do not force anything on you, they will take care of you the same they did when you were a brand-new patient.rnrnDr. Ferzli is an amazing surgeon and an even better human being who cares for his patients. Even in the hospital, I knew I would see Dr. Ferzli when he personally came around to check on me. It was reassuring to know he cared as much as he did. He made me feel confident about the procedure from day one and I knew all the risks and rewards with every appointment I made. At the hospital, he showed surgical precision, as well as a patient-centered way of speaking with me and assuring my healthy recovery. He is cordial, professional, and above all, knowledgable and well-versed at his craft and I owe much of my success and all of my newfound happiness to Dr. Ferzli. My only regret is that I didn't undergo surgery earlier. I would recommend Dr. Ferzli to anyone under the sun who is looking to even research Bariatric surgery.


My first impression of Dr. Ferzli was that he was a very professional well dressed man. I was very impressed by his office and staff. I can't thank Dr. Ferzli enough for helping me. My quality of life was practically non existant and Dr. Ferzli was comforting and said that he would be able to help me and that I would feel better. It did take some time to see all the doctors that need to run test and approve you for surgery but that was well worth it too. Dr. Ferzli explained to me all the risks involved with surgery and that there was a staff of people to help. I can't thank his staff enough, especially his nutrionist Laura. Laura has been so helpful. She helped me understand and make better choices and explained how different foods help or hurt.rnI have reccommended Dr. Fezli to several people in need of Baritric surgery. In fact if I happen to be out somewhere and see a heavy person having trouble I tell them of my surgery and the better quality of life I now have thanks to Dr. Ferzli. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


I had gastric bypass surgery in February performed by Doctor Ferzli and can not say enough good things about my experience! From day one I felt like I had a team of people walking me through each and every step. I never felt like my questions were unanswered, in fact they were usually answered by two or three people and the entire process was smooth. Dr Ferzli doesn't say much, he is very to the point but in a good way. A few months after surgery when I came in 40 pounds lighter his face lit up and I knew that he loved seeing these results and cares about each one of his patients. Dr. Ferzli's program is the best! I went to support group meetings before and after surgery and they are required at first but you end up going to more because it's great to listen and learn more. I did a lot of reaserch on Dr. Ferzli before I stepped foot in his office and was pleasantly surprised to find him more qualified and more experienced then my reaserch had let on. If you live in this area (I live in NJ and going to Staten Island for this care is worth the trip) Go to Dr. Ferzli and his team.


Dr. Ferzli was very direct about what to expected and I appreciated that. The staff was wonderful. I still feel very comfortable calling with questions. When I am there either at a support group or for my follow visits I feel so comfortable and at ease. Dr. Ferzli strongly emphasizes aftercare. The support groups are there for you. They feel it's important for long term success. I try to take full advantage of the support groups, thats where most of my questions are answered or I hear people dealing with the same struggles. I would not trade this experience I am only sorry I didn't do it sooner. Great Dr. Great Staff.!!

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