George Ferzli

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.96 out of 5 with 569 ratings

George Ferzli Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

George Ferzli Bariatric Surgeon Picture

40 yr Experience

24 yr in Bariatrics

34 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

24 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 80

Gastric Balloon

Adjustable Gastric Band

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


and 4 more...

569 Reviews for George Ferzli
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I am happy with my decision to have had surgery with Doctor Ferzli. He is confident, kind and has a lot of experience. The other members of his team such as the coordinator and my nutritionist are all excellent.


The entire process was great. Very organized and prog\fessional from the beginning. I was impressed with Doctor Ferzli and felt comfortable talking about each procedure. I am glad to have chosen this program.


Doctor Ferzli was pleasant and kind each time I met with him. He made me feel comfortable, each meeting was very informal. I feel that I'm in safe hands with him. The program prepares patients but as the person having surgery I know that I have to be mentally prepared for it. I'm impressed with the program and I think it's great.


I liked Doctor Ferzli very much. He was kind and gentle. The program has great aftercare. Everybody has been very helpful and caring. i spoke to a few people about Doctor Ferzli and they all had only good things to say about him.


This was a multi faceted experience as I met with wonderful staff throughout the process. Doctor Ferzli was very modest considering his experience. All prospective patients should know that they would be in experienced hands. The office staff, nutritionists and coordinator were helpful and friendly. The program is well rounded.


I had a very nice impression of Doctor Ferzli when I first met him. He was kind and answered all of my questions. He explained the procedure by drawing me a picture which helped me visualize it. I remember in the OR that he held my hand and rubbed my face right before I fell asleep. All of the staff have been wonderul. Their patience and smiles are always welcoming. I feel the program offers excellent aftercare. My nutritionist, Laura, has been very helpful and returns calls quickly. Thanks to Karen, the coordinator, for guiding me through the process. The support group I attended was great. Overall, I would give the program and the surgeon an A+!


The process of preparing for surgery is a serious one. All surgeons need to explain this to patients and make sure that they realize it is only a tool, not a cure for obesity. This is the kind of surgeon Doctor Ferzli is. He is very skilled and educates his patients on all aspects of care.


I loved everything about my surgeon and the entire program from the first time I stepped into the office. Everyone made me feel so comfortable. I am recommending this program to others. The entire staff was helpful and I'm 100% pleased with the program.


My first impression of Doctor George Ferzli was good. I felt comfortable with him because he was very nice. I rate this program a high score because they emphasized aftercare and presented all information in an organized manner.


This office is fantastic. The bariatric coordinator Karen is so patient. You start your journey with meeting her first. She is so informative and sensitive. The office staff is wonderful and flexible. I had a great experience with the nutritionist Lisa. Dr. Ferzli is so gentle. He came in with the highest recommendation. He is experienced and gentle. Dr. Vulpe does my adjustments. He is very efficient and patient as well.

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