George Ferzli

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.96 out of 5 with 569 ratings

George Ferzli Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

George Ferzli Bariatric Surgeon Picture

40 yr Experience

24 yr in Bariatrics

34 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

24 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 80

Gastric Balloon

Adjustable Gastric Band

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


and 4 more...

569 Reviews for George Ferzli
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From day one Dr Ferzli was amazing. He was very caring and made himself approachable. His staff is all amazing as well. They act fast and are very helpful. The bariatric team is essential and I'm glad they are all very personable. He had terrific bedside and surgical competence. When I was very nervous after the procedure, he assured me I was fine and kissed my forehead. He made me feel like a person and not just a patient. I would strongly recommend his services for anyone looking for weight loss surgery. Also the nurses at Lutheran Medical Center were all amazing as well and made my stay that much easier. They knew you by name, not by your bed number. I cannot emphasize enough how glad j am that I went through with this surgery through Dr Ferzli and his team.


I found Dr. Ferzli to be kind, knowledgeable and nice. This is a lifelong dedication Everyone was great I really enjoyed the support groups because it was very helpful to hear from people who have already had surgery.


Dr. Ferzli was excellent. He's both informative AND caring. The program is also excellent. There's a lot of aftercare including support groups.


Dr. Ferzli was very nice when I met him. He was friendly and everyone at his office was informative. Future patients should know that although there's a lot to do to prepare and a lot of information, the staff will help along the way.


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Dr. Ferzli was very nice when I met him. He was friendly and everyone at his office was informative. Future patients should know that although there's a lot to do to prepare and a lot of information, the staff will help along the way.


Dr. Ferzli was very nice, compassionate and smart. There was nothing that I disliked about him. I also found the support groups to be very helpful.


Dr. Ferzli was very kind at our first consultation. He seems extremely knowledgeable. I feel very confident with him performing my surgery. Future patients should know that this requires a lot of preparation but that it's well worth it. The entire bariatric team was so helpful. I can't say enough about them. They are always available to answer my questions.


I was very impressed by Dr. Ferzli. Everyone I spoke to about him said he was very good. He's highly educated and has a lot of experience. I loved that he had many diplomas hanging throughout his office. Anyone pursuing weight loss surgery should know that this program is great. Everyone in the program was very helpful.


Dr. Ferzli is my doctor. He's a very nice man and the staff that works with him are nice as well. Everyone is helpful. It's a long process but my advice to patients would be not to give up. I found the support groups helpful and all my questions were answered.


Dr. Ferzli was excellent. He was very informative during the consultation. All the bariatric team members were very helpful. I had to attend support groups which I found to be helpful.


Dr. Ferzli is my surgeon and my first reaction when I met him was that I was impressed. During the first meeting, I got the feeling that he knows what he's doing. I like that he is confident. What I didn't like was that I was told I had to quit smoking but after everything, it turned out to be a good thing for my health. I like the fact that there's after care too. Everyone is helpful and I love the support groups. I look forward to going to more.

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