Frank Veninga

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.57142857143 out of 5 with 106 ratings

Frank Veninga Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

26 yr Experience

13 yr in Bariatrics

25 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

13 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

75% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 80

106 Reviews for Frank Veninga
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he was very nice and seemed very compatinit that opinion has not changed. His staff are very nice. i do not know if he has a structured aftercare program or not. he did address the risks of surgery. i would rate him as excellent so far but i am only 10 days post op


4/20 - I met with Dr. Veninga yesterday and really liked him a lot. He spent about 2 hours with me discussing the procedure, the lifestyle changes, risks, benefits, aftercare, etc... He told me how many surgeries he has performed and every problem he has encountered as a result of the surgery. He was really thorough. His staff was great. Very pleasant and professional. I also attended his meeting last night. The first session was for folks researching and that have not yet had the surgery and the second session was for aftercare. There were many folks there that had their surgeries performed by someone else, but attend Dr. V's meetings. Everyone seemed to like and respect him. There were only two things that seemed to come up as issues. He does not perform laps at this time and he seems to be chronically tardy.

Every time that I see Dr. V I like him more. He is really a caring and kind person. He has a weird sense of humor, kind of like me!!


He is very open and friendly. Though I told
up front i'm a nurse, he explained everything
to me in detail, in terms that were on a level
i understood. Office staff nice also. I was
treated almost as a friend, someone they have
known for a while, it made me feel very


Dr Veniga was very friendly and very thorough
with what was going to happen. To this day he and his staff are always there if you need them.


I went to Dr.Veninga on Feb 1st. He was great, he has such a wonderful sense of humor and he was very knowledgable about all the different types of surgeries out there.
What I liked most is he did not talk down to you like some doctors do. His staff could not be more perfect, they were sweet and concerned about what they could do to help me. I have no complaints about Dr. V or his staff, they were all just wonderful and I look forward to Dr. Veninga doing my surgery. I had my surgery with Dr. Veninga on March 16th, 2001 and I am definately satisfied with his professionalism and I would do it all over again if I had to. But I don't Yahoooo


I met with Dr. Veninga on Wed 10/4/00. He was very friendly and funny. I was in his office for 2 hours and was impressed with his knowledge.

His staff was very accomodating and helpful in getting the process started.

I have talked with his office staff many times over the last week in regards to getting everything submitted to Aetna. They have always been very nice and accomodating even though I bet they are tired of hearing from me!!!! :)

I got approval for surgery from Aetna on 10/19/00 and I went to my 1st support meeting that night. When I came into the room, Dr. Veningas'a nurse told me that I also had a date!!! My date is 10/31/00. Whew!! That is coming up very soon!!!

After being in pre-op for 3 hours at Presby Plano the hospital staff said that I was too heavy for the O.R. equipment. I was very angry. Dr. Veninga was too. In the matter of 3 days, his staff (actually Darlene) was able to get him temporary privileges at RHD Memrial Center and I was able to have surgery on 11/06/00.

I have seen Dr. Veninga many times since surgery and I believe he is the best doctor I have ever known. He is very funny and truly cares about his patients.


Nice,sweet,calm,helpful,& just so down to earth. When I meet him on 2/23/2001 4 the very 1st time in my life he just made me feel so @ home...
My 1st impression of him was helpful & he sat down with me & when over everything one on one he acted like he had been known me all his life. He just came out & took control of every thing & what to except & what I will get out of having the surgery..
The staff was very,very,very helpful& made me feel @ home & I finally got to meet the lady over the phone that i had been speaking with & she was so much nicer & sweet then even over the phone then she was...
It wasn't anything that I didn't like about him. He was 100% real with me as a pt & as well a person..He just took his time to make sure I understood everything about the surgery..
He took his time with me & went over everything about the surgery.. 4 future pt they should know that he really cares about his pt & what they are going thought..Structure aftercare is about everything what the surgery is & about what to know about the weightloss surgery aftercare..
He when over every thing about the aftercare of the surgery & emphasize about the aftercare with me step by step..
Yes because he goes over all do's & don't of the surgery aftercare..
He when over all the risk with me he also when over all the pro's & con's about having the surgery..But I would take this chance to get control of my life instead of letting my weight control everything in me life. 4 me to be the health person I was b4...
From a 1-10 scale I give him a 11+ because he knows alot about what to expect about having the surgery...
Surgical competence is better than bedside manners but, plays a role.


Very nice doctor... really knew is field of expertise... his office staff was very nice.. he has a very structured aftercare program... and monthly meetings where people meet and share their stories and even swap clothes... also before I even went for the 1st office visit they already had me on their mailing list and where sending me information thru their monthly mailer.... The doctor went completely over every aspect of the surgery it was a little scary but he wants to make sure you know everything about the surgery the risk and the advantages....I think the advantages outweigh the risk because after he told me all the risk he said that he had never had any problems with any of his patients and that made me feel very good...


I met Dr Veninga at a seminar he holds for people interested in having the surgery but wanting more information and a support group for his post-op patients. I also got to meet some of his patients that had nothing but wonderful things to say about him. He seemed very nice and answered all questions when asked. He appeared tired probably because it was 8 pm and he had probably been up since 5 am but he did not let this stop him. He was honest with all pro's and con's of the procedure and I appreciated his honesty. Can not wait until my one on one consultation with him.


6/21/01- I met with Dr. V and he was great. We went over everything and he is very detail oriented, but doesn't really loose you in his talk. His office staff is great and actually scheduled my surgery a month from when I was approved. 3 weeks to go. They have been great so far.. I will let you know.

I have my inital appointment with the DR. tomorrow at 2! I am so excited to get this on the way.

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