Nutracelle Vendor

I LOVE this product!!! I have been making the smoothies with the products out of the cookbook and I will say they are delicious! There is no filmy aftertaste. I dont feel like I am drinking something healthy, it is full of flavor! I cant wait to use my cookbook and make more!
(indicates that they have used this company's products)
I've been actively using Nutracelle for three years. In that time, I have completely changed my life. I've lost almost 110 lbs, I've repaired my insides - I can eat in public again, yay! - and I've boosted my energy!! I sleep better, my hair is healthier and my skin is clearer. It's the EASIEST and BEST tasting protein powder I've *EVER* tried. It mixes perfectly with just water and it's so incredibly delicious. I've tried all six flavours and my favourites are definitely the Salted Caramel and the Natural. I put the Natural in EVERYTHING at home! I've made burger buns, bread, pancakes, cupcakes, and SO much more thanks to Nutracelle's super easy recipes! (They're free, too!!)
The best part though? I know exactly what's in the product! It's all natural, gluten-free, nut-free, tree-nut-free, and free of artificial flavours and sweeteners! It's so amazing that you can make all of your favourite treats and they're HEALTHY! I used to struggle with eating enough protein - but not anymore! Nutracelle has taken care of that for me.

I would not be where I am in my weight loss journey with out Nutracelle. I tried SO many different protein powders, and I found my experiences to be counter productive. With the other guys, I was having to take additional supplements and had to add things to my shakes just to make them tolerable. I have tried every flavour of Nutralean, and am so pleased that I can make a delicious, creamy, filling shake with just water! No longer am I wasting money (and calories!) on additives and fillers, my Nutralean is perfect just as it is <3
(indicates that they have used the product)