DaVINCI Biomedical Research Products Vendor

I was paying $4.15 for a venti iced coffee with Sugar Free Carmel Syrup. It finally dawned on me that I could do this myself. If brew a pot of decaf coffee so it counts for my liquids. let it cool, add half and half (I won't give it up) and the DaVinci Sugar Free Carmel Syrup. For an extra treat you can pour a glass and and Sugar Free Cool Whip or Regular Whipped Cream if cholesterol is not a problem for you. It is divine!!
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I use the vanilla, eggnog, hazelnut, & carmel flavors in my vanilla protein shake. They are also good in my coffee. It really keeps me from getting bored having the same kind every day and no need to buy so many flavors. I also have the cola and rootbeer flavors to use with my snowcone machine and they are a good substitute when I am craving something sweet.
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What's not to say about this stuff? Sweetened w/ Splenda, 0 calories, 0 sugar, 0 carbs, 1000 taste! I order a minimum of 3 bottles per time (they have over 40 flavors!) I'm hooked on flavored Iced, and hot Lattes.(Made w/ my trusty,cheapo Mr. Coffee espresso machine- so much cheaper than Starbucks)
Iced - I'll use 2 shots, espresso, 3 pumps of Davinci syrup (Caramel, English Toffee, French Vanilla, White Chocolate, Coconut, etc...)use a 32 oz container, about 20 oz skim milk w/ ice and I'm good to go for hours - plus have in 20 grams protein!
Can be used in cooking, baking... wonderful flavors! HOW DO THEY MAKE 0 calories taste so good? Hmmmmm? I dunno - but it's wonderful...

I love this stuff. I use it currently in milk. I bought the Chi consentrate and the hazelnut surup. It works well in shakes as well to change the flavor so that it is palitable or different. I am preop right now so i am trying things to help me get by when i am post op. I am definetly going to order more flavors of this product because it has a sweetner that i will use. i will not use aspertane or sacrin. so that is nice to have something to flavor yougert milk and shakes with.
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