Zone Perfect Bars by Abbott Laboratories - Protein Bar

Granted, I paid for 1 at a Gas Station as quick grab, but after I took a closer look at the nutrition pannel, I wouldn't even have a bite. I made my fiance eat it instead. I think I got the Chocolate Chip flavor, and it was full of bad carbs and empty calories. I just couldn't fathom wasting my daily value on something that probably would have made me flush from the sugar. Thumbs down
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I purchased this on a clearance rack at GNC - thus the bargain price. I sampled the Chocolate Peanut Butter. Yum! Tastes like a chewy peanut butter candy bar! Even my son liked them. I plan on purchasing all that the GNC store has while they are still forty-five cents.
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I love most of the Zone Perfect Bar flavors. I love the new Chocolate Almond Raisin. Totally yummy!! These do pack over 200 calories each and don't pack as much protein as I'd like (around 15 per bar). But as an afternoon pick up or snack I think they are a good substitute for junk food. Also they now have some in a smaller size which is more feasible for new post ops that can't eat the bigger bars.
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Peanut Butter and the Chocolate Mint were my favorites. And now I have to add the Chocolate Almond Raisin as quite good also, althou, sometimes the almond flavoring is a bit strong and the bar too sweet. But it really satisfies my sweet tooth, when I'm craving something. The only protein bar I've found that's close to how good these are is not a Zone bar but "Balance Gold" in the Caramel Nut Blast flavor - not bad for protein bars!
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Three words: CHOCOLATE ALMOND RAISIN. This is the most awesome flavor, and it doesn't taste how it sounds. It has nearly whole almonds in it, crunchiness, no discernable raisins, really, but it is soooooo good. I think what makes it, is that it is sweet, but not overly so. Half of one of these with my starbucks in the morning, starts my day off with major satisfaction and kicks hunger in the butt for hours. If I'm feeling really hungry, I eat the whole bar! :-D This starts nearly every day for me. TRY THIS FLAVOR. You wont be sorry!
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