White Cheddar Protein Kruncheeze by Kay's Naturals, Inc. - Weight Loss Programs

About Us
Get your cheese fix with our White Cheddar Cheese Kruncheeze. The initial flavor is more milder than our Chili Nacho cheese and our Crispy Parmesan Chips, but grows with each bite! The flavor ends with a subtly but tangy lemon-lime zest for a multidimensional flavor and highly satisfying snack!
- Gluten-Free
- 12 grams of Protein
- 2 grams of Fiber
- 130 Calories
Available in:
- 6-Pack 1.2 0z bags, $8.94
Latest Reviews See 1 review
These taste sort of like a white cheddar crunchy Cheeto. Cheetos flavor without the gooey orange yuck on your fingers and with tons more protein!
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