Crystal Light Raspberry Ice by Kraft Foods - Low Calorie Drink

They might as well rename this product "Raspberry Crack"! Once I start drinking it, I can't stop. It has more than tripled my daily fluid intake, and I find it no problem to get my water in. There are only 5 calories per serving, so you can drink virtually limitless amounts. My only warning is that when you pour the tubs into a pitcher and mix with water, a fine mist of Crystal Light dust often floats into the air. This means that the next time your counter gets wet, it mixes with the fine dusting and can cause red rivers behind your sink. Also, if it drips on your countertop, it can stain very quickly if not wiped up quickly. But the product is amazing and is fantastic for anyone who finds water too bland to drink in large quantities.
(indicates that they have used the product)