Iced Coffee Original Flavor 18oz Bag by Chike Nutrition - Protein Powder

Read about this on these forums so I ordered it. Quickly was getting tired of chocolate after surgery. Very good, has 20mg protein which is the minimum my doc allows. I lended with a few ice cubes to get it really cold and creamy. Let it sit to let the foam die down, delicious.
(indicates that they have used the product)
Chike Iced Coffee is the only protein powder I have found that I actually enjoy. If using it as a meal replacement, I mix it with skim milk. Otherwise, if I want to keep my calories lower, I mix it with water and it is just as tasty. For a frappe taste, I will sometimes add a little DaVinci or Torani french vanilla sugar free flavoring.
It has additional vitamins and minerals in it, making it a great meal replacement. It has medical grade whey protein - what is most recommended by surgeons.
I just find it to be a really good tasting, and actually enjoyable, protein powder, and drink one every day.