Tim Faulkenberry

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 41 ratings

Tim Faulkenberry Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

Tim Faulkenberry Bariatric Surgeon Picture
41 Reviews for Tim Faulkenberry
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'Dr. Faulkenbery was GREAT! I knew from the minute I met him that he was the one who was going to do my surgery. He was kind and compassionate


I met with Dr. Faulkenberry on Feb. 14, 2006 for my first consultation. He is older and seems very wise. He seems to have the patience of Job. Even though he was running late, he took the time to answer all 16 questions that I had prepared ahead of time. He also has a great sense of humor and is very personable. He explained the surgery, and asked me all sorts of questions concerning my prior health. The only negative thing that I can say is that Dr. Faulkenbery has two practices and his time is very limited. He is only at the Bariatric clinic one day a week, so his availability is limited. I am looking forward to having Dr. Faulkenberry as my wls surgeon. The clinic he is in is very organized...they have a whole schedule of people and tests that you will need ahead of your surgery. They even put through for your pre-approval for the surgery. They also have a support group that meets in Austin. The girls in the front office are always very cheeful and supportive also.r

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Dr. Faulkenberry was a very kind and caring doctor. I really liked him immediately.
His staff is very helpful and so nice...I dont know how Jenna does all she does and stays so sweet. The doctor took his time and discussed the importance of commitment to aftercare. Overall he was one of the nicest doctors I have ever met. I have every confidence in him.


Seems like a nice guy, intelligent, took his time to explain matters in detail. I feel comfortable with him.


He was very nice and supportive. Very up front about what I would face. His office staff was very nice and helpful. So far I have no negative comments about him or his staff. They have a great before and aftercare program. Very up front about the risks of surgery. I would say a 10+
Well of course A great surgeon with a good beside manner is always great but if I had to choose one I would rather have a great surgeon LOL.
Only negative thing I have encountered was with my insurance but his office helped me get that striaght.


Well my first impression of Dr.Tim was oh so nice! he is warm kind caring compassionate and has the utmost reguard for his patients! My overall impression only gets better with time, and about his staff as youve seen before yes they are a bit on the slow side but only because they dont have enough help I try to poke and prod them along and keep telling them they need to hurry up and get me better so I can get in there and help them out! lol! I will report more on the rest when I have more info.


My first impression of him was he was very pleasant, calming, answered all my questions plus some, and put my mind at ease. To this date, I feel the same, he hasn't changed one bit. His office staff was slow in getting approval for insurance and confusing to talk to them at times. There was nothing that I disliked about Dr. Faulkenberry. I would highly recommend him, he's very knowledgeable, caring, great bedside manner. He feels aftercare is very important and will continue seeing me for some time. Yes, he does have a structed aftercare program. He explained all the risks of surgery. On a scale of 1-10, I would rate him a 10+. Both his surgical competence and bedsire manner were great. I felt like I was in very good hands with him as my surgeon.


let me see, what can i say about dr. faulkenberry? my first impression of him was very good, i was afaid to approach him, because i was told his wieght limit was440lbs, and i was much heavyer. i knew i had to take a chance and beg if i have to... but i did not! he said to me, we try not to turn any one away.. thank god.....and the dr.and he told me to make a apointment, and i did. as time went on i became very fond of the dr. i had a pretty hard time the first 10 months, but every time i went in he did his best to correct what ever the problem was. and he was allways very good to me, know matter what. he even took the time to have a meeting of sorts, with my self, my husband, my therapist,my dietian, and the home care nurse. and it was not a 10 minute office visit. his staff, i love them all, i saw dana get bigger with her twins, and then there is little sarah, allways with a smile, and last but not least.... my sweet heart of the office has to be JOY!!!!!!!!!!!every time i went in she had uplifting words, made a fuss over how good i was looking, allways happy, and willing to do anything she could to help me, i even tryed to hook her up with my son, but some other lucky guy swept her off her feet, and now she is happy married lady. and now she smiles even more....... new patients should have all of the??????? they need answered ready when they go see him.because he will answer all ??? but i know i would loose focus and forget things. after care is a big deal for the dr, and his staff, they are allways a phone call away. and he saw me every month for year, till he felt i could go longer. he kept a very close eye on me. and of corse he has to give you worst case senario about all the risk that could happen, and it is scarryyyyyy to hear but it's the facts. on a scale from 1-10 1 being very poor, and 10 being very good, i would SINCERLY give him and his staff a 11!!!!!!!!! i think surgical competence is number 1, but a good bed side manner is a must...i would highly recomend dr, faulkenberry. if your loking for a great dr, in austin he's your man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dr. Faulkenberry was a dream. As soon as he came in I felt very comfortable with him. He is easy going and very well spoken. He leaves nothing for chance and reviews everything. I look forward to dealing with him more.


I have had a great experience with Dr. Faulkenberry thus far. He has a great bed side manner. His office has been great as well. I had a bit of dehydration a few days after surgery. I called his office and they gave me tips on how to handle it. It is nice to know that when I need advice, I do not have to feel bad about calling. Today is my 2 week follow up. I have a lot of questions and I am sure he will be more than willing to help me out any way he can.

I think that I would give Dr. Faulkenberry and his team a "A" I hope that if you are looking for a surgeon, you would look into his practice. I think that bedside manner is just as important as surgical competence.

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