Thomas Lavin Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS, FASMBS
5 yr in Bariatrics
3.5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
99% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18

5 yr in Bariatrics
3.5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
99% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18

I met my surgeon for the first time on the 15th. I was really excited and wanted to tell him all about my process. Of course I didn't b/c I didnt want to bore him to death. I bet he has heard it all. He stated he has completed over 1000 surgeries and I even found on the internet where he performed a surgery at a conference for surgerons. I have a lot of faith the Lord will guide him correctly. The office staff has been very nice. My favorites have been Beth the Patient/Insurance Coordinator, who kept me encouraged and in the loop, and Patsy the surgery Coordinator,whose enthusiasm was breath taking. I will write more on the aftercare program. Overall right now I would rate him a 10, but again he is all I know and I dont know about anyone else's experiences. Right now he is a God send. O yeah, due to my insurance he is the closest one to me that my insurace covers, so really they chose for me. I trust them...I trust the Lord.

Dr. Lavin is a pioneer in the field of weight loss surgeries. I have read a lot about him in medical journals. I met him last week, and he made me feel extremely safe and comfortable. He told me, \"For you, it's a scary/new surgery, for me, it's routine. I've been doing these for years.\" That makes me feel pretty damn good. :)

Dr. Lavin is a very smart person and he makes you feel comfortable from the beginning. Great understanding of his patients. He really cares about his patients also. He is the head of his practice and teaches others to perform bariatric surgeries. After care is very important to him. You have to return often after surgery so that he may make sure that you are healthy and on track. His office is very nice and the people who work there from the receptionists to the nurse practitioners and dietitian are wonderful! I would recommend him to everyone!

My first impression was wow he is young and cute. Is he old enough to be doing this operation. I found him to be a super surgeon. His staff is very friendly but not obese. Individuals who have been obese seem to relate better. I have found nothing I dislike about him. Anyone who is considering him don't hesitate to move forward. He has a very structured program which emphises all the risks of surgery. I would rate him a 10 out of 10. If I didn't have the bandages to prove I had surgery I wouldn't know I had it. I was blessed to have found him.

I had surgery today! Yes, today, and I feel wonderful. I had Lap Band. He was awesome! I am nearly pain free. He fixed my hernia (I didn't even know I had a hernia). He was wonderful and pleasant. I am extremely happy with the entire experience. I feel so informed. His clinic has a great routine set up to make sure you get all the information you need. I really never had a bunch of questions because I was informed of everything verbally and on paper.

Dr. Lavin has a great reputation and after meeting him, it is easy to see why. He has a perfect combination of confidence and compassion. I know he has given the RNY speech a billion times, but he delievered it like it with grace. Dr. Lavin answered my questions, even a personal one - do you believe in God? So thankful he does, but I would have stuck with him even if he didn't. rnrnI also have to comment on how well his program is run. It is like a well-oiled machine and when going through an experience as complex as WLS, that is important. I don't have one unkind thing to say about my journey thus far regarding the process and professionals I have met on this journey.