Juan Antonio Lopez Corvala Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS
30 yr Experience
18 yr in Bariatrics
20 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
14 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
95% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 14
Max Age of Patient is 70
Adjustable Gastric Band
Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication
ORBERA Intragastric Balloon

30 yr Experience
18 yr in Bariatrics
20 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
14 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
95% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 14
Max Age of Patient is 70
Adjustable Gastric Band
Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication
ORBERA Intragastric Balloon

About MeDr. Juan Lopez Corvala, Bariatric Surgeon Juan Antonio Lopez Corvala MD, FACS, is a world-renowned bariatric surgeon known for his surgical expertise and dedication to high-quality patient care. As a board-certified bariatric surgeon, he is the founder of Bariatric Surgical Solutions and Director of the Internationally Accredited Bariatric Centre of Excellence at Hospital Angeles in Tijuana, Baja California where Bariatric Surgical Solutions was established. He is also the clinical professor of surgery at the University Medical School, Professor of General Surgery of The University of Baja California, and Professor of Surgery Residence in the General Hospital of Tijuana. He has held many other academic positions throughout his professional career. Dr. Lopez Cavala earned his medical degree from one of the most recognized universities for surgeons in Mexico, LaSalle University, and completed his residency at La Raza Medical Center. He has been certified in general and bariatric surgery by numerous respected professional organizations including the Mexican Board of General Surgery, the Mexican Council of General Surgery, Certified Bariatric Surgeon by The Mexican College for Obesity Surgery and Metabolic diseases, and Certified Bariatric Surgeon Specialist by The Mexican Council of General Surgery A.C. Dr. Lopez Corvala a fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS) and he is a honorary member of the Gastroenterology Association of Guanajuato, a member of the Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery (AMCE), the Latin American Association of Endoscopic Surgery (ALACE), the International Federation of Obesity Surgery and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO), the Council of Advanced Bariatrics (CAB), the Mexican Association of Obesity Surgery, the Mexican Association of General Surgery (AMCG), the General Surgeons Association in Tijuana, and the Mexican College for Obesity Surgery and Metabolic Diseases (CMCOEM). Dr. Lopez Corvala’s career has been one of significant experience and distinction. He has received numerous awards, scholarships, and certifications throughout his professional career. He is the past president of several prestigious medical organizations and a former INAMED Proctor for the USA. He teaches and mentors fellow bariatric surgeons internationally and has been a speaker/presenter worldwide on the latest surgical techniques. He has authored numerous books, abstracts, and articles and is considered to be one of the top 10 bariatric surgeons in the world. Weight Loss Surgery with Dr. Lopez Corvala I know that my vast clinical experience and training allow me to provide optimal care for my patients. I like to believe that my patients are among my family members and I would like my family members to be treated with respect, dignity, and love. -Dr. Lopez Corvala Dr. Lopez Corvala is passionate about his profession of choice, and he is one of the world’s leading bariatric surgeons. He has over 30 years of surgical experience in which he has helped to save and transform thousands of lives. He has performed more than 10,000 laparoscopic surgeries and more than 6,000 bariatric surgeries. He is dedicated to patient education and safety and has established a very high rate of patient satisfaction and a low complication rate, one lower than the national average. He is sought out by patients both locally and internationally. Dr. Lopez Corvala brings his expertise and surgical skills to perform a variety of cutting-edge laparoscopic and bariatric surgery techniques including the Laparoscopic Adjustable Band (Lap-Band), Roux-en-Y (RNY) Gastric Bypass, Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG), and weight loss surgery revisions. He also offers an intragastric balloon which is a non-surgical procedure. Bariatric Surgery in Tijuana, Baja California As the founder of Bariatric Surgical Solutions, Dr. Lopez Corvala provides his patients with a state-of-the-art surgical center and one of the safest bariatric surgery programs in the world. His caring and compassionate team of healthcare professionals are leaders in the industry who are all as committed as Dr. Lopez Corvala in assisting patients on their journey to a healthier, happier life. They provide patients with a multidisciplinary approach that includes nutrition, counseling, nursing care, anesthesiologist, patient coordinators and more.
Latest Reviews See all 43 reviews
Had survery at Hosp Angeles with Dr Corvala. His reputation is well deserved. Great experience and would high recommend this world renowned surgeon
I chose dr corvala at hospital angeles in TJ. I like that fact the surgery is in a full scale real hospital with 100 plus beds and an ER and not a clinic they call a "bariatric hospital." that gives me more piece of mind More...
I'm almost 2 months out but took notes right after surgery for things I wish were different and things that were great. pros: the surgery so far seems successful, I have 5-6incisions that are small and thin less than 1inch and others about 1 More...
LocationTijuana, Baja California 22010
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