J. Kenneth Reed

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 32 ratings

J. Kenneth Reed Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

32 Reviews for J. Kenneth Reed
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My first impression of Dr.Reed was wow...this guy knows his stuff. He is not much for small chat or humour, and at first I didn't know if he was the right Doctor for me. Now I adore him. He is straight to the point, he explained all the risks of the surgery in 3 different visits. When you chat with him, he doesn't make you feel rushed. He answered all my questions and I feel that he is an amazing man. He has a 5 year post op plan of seeing him twice yearly, which is quite a comittment. I know that he cares about his patients, or he wouldn't have the 5 year plan. I would rate him as an amazing surgeon, and would recommend him to anyone.


'I had heard a lot of great things about Dr. Reed


When i first met Dr Reed i thought this guy knows his stuff and felt very comfortable talking with him. He went over the pros and cons with me and my husband and satified our worries. His staff was very helpful and went above and beyond for me. He greeted me on the operating table with a hand shake and visited everyday i was in the hospital. Any one looking for a surgeon would do great looking Dr Reeds ways. My initial appointment with the Doc took 11 months but well worth it.


I have found Dr Reed to be infomative and intelligent..

Thier Dietican Nancy made me cry and found her to be a bit insensitve.. the receptionist very nice..
I felt a little rushed since last patient of the day.. and felt he rushed thrgh what was going to be done measure me and sent me to be weighed and adv will call with f/u dates

Booked my surgery dates but never gave me the Do and Don't list for foods..

Surgical Compentence


Dr. Reed does not put you down or make you feel like
you don't belong. he understands that this is a medical
problem that he can work with you to help you live a
healthier life.... The wait is long but I belive dr.reed to have one of the best practices going with his 5 year after care plan. the only negative thing I have found so far with dr. reeds office is his deitian Nancy. I personally got off on the wrong foot with her.


My first impression of Dr. Reed was that he was a very professional Dr. who was well eductated in the field of WLS. I also found him to be a caring individual.
My impression of him has only gotten better. He is a fantastic surgeon.
His office staff is excellent and very caring.
I like his straight forward attitude and his willingness to answer all of my questions and takes the time to make sure I understand everything.
Future patients should know that if they choose him for their doctor, that couldn't have made a better choice.
He is made sure that I was aware of his 5 year commitment to aftercare. I was VERY pleased by that. His program was explained to me in detale.
He was very open and upfront about the risks. He also asssured me that all surgeries have some risk and that he takes every precaution necessary to make it safe and successful for me.
So far I would rate him and his staff as a 10 on a scale of 1-10.
Both surgical competence and bedside manner are important. With Dr. Reed I have found the best of both worlds.


I think Dr Reed is wonderful. He seemed a bit cold at first...but after a few minutes he was great. Very friendly and really explaind things to me in detail. Put my mind at ease as far as my decision was concerned, and he made me feel that the decision I have made to have WLS is the right one for me. His exact word were...lets do something before you get sick from your weight. His office staff is incredible also. Denise his receptionist talked to me as if I have known her for years. She was very welcoming and warm. BTW Dr Reeds aftercare program is for 5 years. So there is definitely a lot of follow up, which is what we all need after this type of surgery.

I cannot begin the thank Dr Reed for taking me as a patient of his. He is by far the best surgeon around. If anyone has the chance to book their surgery with him, it would be the best decision of your life. I definitely owe my life to him, and I know how thankful my family is to him also. He is truly a gift!!!!


So far I am only at the stage where i got an appointment for consultation. It was extreemly difficult for me to get it. I found when i called to the limited Surgeons offices in Ontario, majority, if not all of the receptionists where very rude and abrupt. I understand that in Ontario Canada there are very limited surgeons doing this procedure and there is definately a surplus of patients that want this procedure done in Canada (My consult appointment is not until Oct,25 2004!)

I have had my Consult and pre-op testing. Dr Reed Is a really great doctor he is very personable and easy to talk to. I felt really encouraged and confident about my decision. his staff is great aswell.


The first impression of Dr. Reed was a good one, right off the bat. He described every aspect of the surgery and took the time to answer all of our questions. I did not feel rushed or stupid for asking my questions.
He made it very clear that he wants us to make a 3 year committment to which I agree. It will help me to stay on track and head off any problems in future, also seeing the dietician will be a huge benefit.

Dr. Reed sent me for many tests, but explained what each was for and what he was looking for. Denise, his receptionist, was very pleasant to deal with and also helpful as I live about 2 hrs away.

On surgery day, he greeted me with a smile, which reassurred me, and shook my hand. As soon as I was done, he came out to talk to my family.

He saw me everyday while I was in hospital and also told me how my surgery went.

I'm very pleased with Dr. Reed and would recommend him to anyone.


I have not met him yet. My first consultation is October 18, 2004.

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