Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98148148148 out of 5 with 1188 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1188 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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For most of my adult life I have struggled with being overweight. After trying too numerous to count diets and weight loss plans without persistent success, I came to consider bariatric surgery.rnrnAs a physician, I carefully researched the various options through 1)conversations with people who had undergone lap band, traditional gastric bypass and vertical sleeve gastrectomy, 2)physicians who did these procedures plus the transoral gastroplasty and 3)medical textbooks/journal articles. With a BMI of 40 and desiring long term success with the fewest potential complications, I settled on the VSG procedure.rnrnDr. Alvarez at Endobariatrics continually came to the forefront of my list when I considered which surgeon to use. His website was excellent and I was thoroughly impressed when I contacted his staff for further information. Susan George, who is the coordinator for VSG, was extremely pleasant and easy to talk to. She was also very knowlegable and efficient with providing information about the procedure, pre-surgery diet the hospitalization process and post-surgical diet/course. Anytime I had a question/need, she rapidly responded. Her coordination of travel/lodging from the airport in San Antonio to Piedras Niegras and back would put many professional travel agents to shame.rnrnDr. Alvarez was very approachable and accomodating. He too, was very speedy in responding to e-mails. When I requested to be able to have the procedure on the same day a friend was scheduled despite their arrangements having been made weeks in advance, Dr. Alvarez readily added me to the schedule. From the moment I walked into his office through the time I left the hospital, he made me feel as if I were his only patient. (My friend felt the same way). He was thorough in his discussion of the procedure and potential risks as well as the post-operative course. He and his nurse, Kristina, personally walked us from his ofice to the lab/radiology departments and then to our rooms as we checked in. He came back to see us pre-operatively and post-operatively he came at least five times/day. We saw him at all hours of the day and night. His bedside manner was phenomenal and clearly his surgical skills were excellent as I felt good enough to go back to work only one day after arriving home.rnrnHis staff were also exemplary. Not only did Dr. Alvarez round frequently, but also Kristina, his assisting surgeon, Dr. Rosales and the anesthesiologist, Dr. Salinas who were also very personable and skilled. Even Rosy, the van driver, who was very pleasant, fun and caring of her passengers would pop in to see us as she picked up and dropped other patients.rnrnOnce you are discharged from the hospital and dropped off at the hotel/airport, your relationship with the Endobariatrics staff does not stop. I have been pleased to have multiple e-mails from Dr. Alvarez and Susan since my arrival home. rnrnAs I stated earlier, as a physician I wanted the best procedure and surgeon and could have chosen to go anywhere for the VSG. I never once was given any reason to fear for my health (e.g. procedure or H1N1/swine flu) nor personal safety when I traveled to Mexico to be Dr. Alvarez's patient. His charge for the procedure was also excellent. I would refer any person who is a candidate for the vertical sleeve gastrectomy procedure to Dr. Alvarez without ANY reservations. Three weeks post-op I am down 21.5 pounds, several inches and most importantly I feel good!


I recently had revisional VSG surgery with Dr. Alvarez after having many complications with my original LAP Band. As a Registered Nurse in Canada, I exhausted all avenues to timely surgery. My biggest fear after having band removed was weight gain, which of course happened. I would not be honest if I said that my fellow health care professionals were reluctant for me to seek care in Mexico, but after corresponding with Susan LPN and Dr. Alvarez's office, I was not the least bit hesitant. I have to say that Dr. Alvarez and his team surpassed my expectations, I was very closely monitored, had at least 3 visits from each surgeon daily and had one on one care from Christine, R.N. There were no surprises with the treatment and surgery, the only surprise was the care and kindness expressed towards me by everyone involved. rnI hold Dr. Alvarez in very high regard, would not hestitate to refer anyone to him, in fact would encourage other Canadians to seriously consider this avenue for their bariatric surgery.


My first impression of Dr. Alvarez was that he was calm, collected, and prepared, and that didn't change over the long conversations I had with his office pre and post-op. His office staff was great; the driver who picked myself and another patient getting surgery on the same day from San Antonio was efficient and friendly, as was Christina, a nurse dedicated to just our care in addition to the regular hospital staff. rnrnI know that it sounds scary to go to a surgeon that's in Mexico, but I hope that you'll take the time to research him and thoroughly question his staff before you make a rash decision. I can honestly say that I researched for MONTHS multiple surgeons and not only was Dr. Alvarez the best surgical option (he stitches the stomach in addition to stapling, so there are much lower risks of leakage and hernias than other doctors), he was by far the best financial option. rnrnMY health was always his prime concern. I did a comprehensive pre-op diet and their information about aftercare was delivered in person in addition to a 30 page dietary guide. He addressed my concerns about the surgery head on, taking tons of time to explain their anesthesia procedures and never made me feel like my questions were dumb or not appropriate. rnrnDr. Alvarez called my family right after the procedure to let them know I was okay! He was gracious with them and didn't make THEM feel rushed either. rnrnI'm so happy I went to him. I couldn't have made a better choice. His surgical competence (I never suffered extreme discomfort or post-op difficulties like nausea, et cetera) and amazing bedside manner (he visited me frequently for the two days I was in the hospital) make him the best choice. I hope you'll keep all these things in mind when you're weighing your choices, and please don't let the fact that the hospital is in Mexico affect your decision too greatly. It's literally less than 10 minutes south of the border, and nicer than a lot of other cities I've seen in the U.S!


My friends and family were adamant that I should not have surgery done in Mexico. When I told my general practitioner Dr. here in San Antonio my plans, he said absolutely not.He said I had no idea what I was getting into in Mexico, and that it would be hard to find a Dr. in San Antonio to fix any complications.rnMy step-daughter had highly recommended Dr. Alvarez. Many, MANY of her friends have also heard of and/or had surgery done by Dr. Alvarez. After two years, my stepdaughter looks amazing, and her self-esteem has shot up. She is a counselor for a school district.rnI looked up Dr. Alvarez on the internet and was amazed by what I saw. I got to see exactly what I would be going through.rnMy step-daughter pulled no punches. She said not to expect the hospital to look exactly like the hospitals in the states, but that it would be nice, it would be extremely clean (it was) and that the nursing staff was at your beck and call (they were). Now the operating room is different. It is so state of the art. I would compare it to any operating room in the world.rnEvery patient has their own room, and is invited to bring a guest with them to stay with them in their room if they would like. Every room has a cable TV (yes,English channels), computer, refrigerator, and a sofa. A bed is brought in for your guest if you have one.rnDr. Alvarez is a very personable person, and upon meeting him, I could see why his patients spoke so highly of him. It was impressive that either he or his assistant Dr.(that assisted him in my surgery) visited me several times during the day and evening.rnDuring the day, there are nurses that speak English proficiently. In the evening, however, the nurses are not as proficient. Dr. Alvarez' staff took care of this, by the way, by developing a \"cheat sheet\" as a fellow patient called it, and if she needed something, she said Everything was on the list!rnSpeaking of lists...The forms and information I was given about aftercare is astounding! I actually made a notebook for everything. I was even given grocery lists for everything I would need post-op.rnSusan, our surgery coordinator, is always just a phone call away. I have called her I don't know how many times. She is an angel.She was a patient herself, and an R.N., so she is a tremendous help.rnThe \"clincher\" though, is Dr. Alvarez himself.rnI had my surgery on a Tuesday, and it was Saturday night,4 days later. I was at home, it was 10:30 p.m., and I couldn't call Susan. I decided to text Dr. Alvarez with my \"problem\" (turns out I wasn't drinking enough liquids). I figured he'd see it in the next day or so, and have Susan call me on Monday (you know, like they do in the states). HE TEXTED ME BACK WITHIN 15 MINUTES. He told me exactly what to do, soothed my nerves, and I went right to sleep! I will never forget that. Tell me you get this kind of treatment in the states.rnDr. Alvarez has studied and worked in the United States, England, and Mexico. A man like this returning my call as if I'm the most important person in the world. I am truly indebted to him. rn


The process was simple and very easy. My family has spent lots of time at various hospitals with our son and I have to say that the staff of Dr. Alvarez and the hospital were faster at responding to queries, very friendly and very gentle. The process from beginning to end was great. Lots of English speakers around to make life simple and you can try out some Spanish if you want too. My personal nurse Christy was great! She was very engaged and personable. rnrnDr. Alvarez checked in often along with Dr Rosales and other partner Dr's after the surgery. Let me tell you, that was wonderful and a departure from being a number in most US hospitals.rnrnDr. Alvarez is a gentle surgeon that knows his stuff.rnrnThe city is great! It was a very normal city with people coming and going. Life is peaceful there and the people are engaged in their lives as the city is a good growing city with industry, they seem to be very removed from any issues that the media may portray.rnrnCrossing the border was simple and very easy process with Rosy being so helpful as the driver. She is a great host and we enjoyed our drive to and from San Antonio, Texas.rnrnSusan the nurse/coordinator is really good at answering questions quickly and seems to be available way more than I am used to. This is very true both before and after the procedure. Dr. Alvarez is great at answering his emails also!rnrn


Upon meeting Dr Alvarez I was put at ease, I didn't feel like the fat kid not welcome at the swimming pool. My impression of him didn't change any except I would say to the better, it was nice having someone come in as they said they would to check up on your progress. The office staff was very friendly.rnThe aftercare gave me a lot of insight as to what to expect but like most people I still have/had questions and I've written a few times now and simply asked something that has crossed my mind and get a reply assisting me shortly there after. Dr Alvarez went over the risk factors with me and I did feel at ease when this is brought up as .. well who wants a doctor that doesn't lay it on the line and tell it as it is. I'd rather know then be guessing/wondering/worrying about the what ifs.rnOverall, it was a great. I am looking forward to healing completely and moving on to the next phase in my life..the happier, healthier, thinner me. rnrnThank you again to you Dr Alvarez, Dr Rosales and all your staff.rnrn*hugs*rnGina


Choosing a doctor can be a very difficult decision. The decision is even more difficult when you are considering a doctor in another country. I had my procedure in April of this year and I selected Dr. Alvarez out of Mexico. I was very scared and skeptical about this decision. Most of my friends were ok with the idea of me having surgery, it was only when they heard Mexico that they freaked out. rnrnI searched for as much information as I could find on Dr. Alvarez, I was determined to find someone who had a negative experience. After many hours to no avail I gave up. Everything I read about how wonderful Dr. Alvarez is was all true. He took time to answer any questions my husband and I had. He always responds to emails right away. rnrn Dr. Alvarez has a wonderful support staff that helped me plan and prepare for my journey. I received extensive information on how to prepare, what to expect and what things to bring with me to Mexico. All the arrangements are clearly laid out and easy to follow. Dr. Alvarez’s office is like any office you would expect to find in the United States. The hospital is the only thing you should prepare yourself for. It has all the necessities but is not luxurious. If you are used to (as I am) fountains, art, new furniture and Starbucks located in your hospital this is not what you will find. This is simply a small no frills hospital. I for one was looking for quality healthcare at a reasonable cost. I got exactly that. I have since lost over 30 lbs and feel great.! I also know that at anytime I can contact Dr. Alvarez or Susan (Nurse who schedules surgeries) and they will get back to me right away. rnrnI was so delighted by my surgical experience; I would recommend Dr. Alvarez without hesitation to my friends and family knowing they will be well cared for. I wish you much happiness on your own journey. rnrnSincerely, rnDorothy K., RNrn


1. He is great. I liked him immediately. Takes all the time you desire. Never makes you feel like you're just a number. He really cares for his patients, and his staff all emulate him example.rn2. Only got better the longer I knew him. I would love to work with him.rn3. They are all great. Not one bad thing to say about anyone or anything.rn4. He sends you home with complete instructions and goes over them thoroughly with you with time taken to answer any questions. He is always an email away and answers promptly along with his coordinator Susan. You never feel like you are alone and can't get help if you need it.rn5. Risks are risks, and he does not try to hide them. However, when you look at his actual risks versus the averages of all other sleeve gastrectomy surgeries, he comes in lower across the board, and also has a 9% mortality rate!rn6. EXCELLENT! Would recommend him to all personal family members and anyone who needs this surgery.rn7. They are both GREAT!rnrnI honestly cannot say anything negative about the experience. If that sounds suspect, take a look at the hundreds or other reviews. I can't find anything negative that anyone had to say, and I tried to find any dirt I could prior to making this life-changing decision.


Very caring, and knowledgeablernTruly caring and commentedrnVery prompt and caringrnNothing he was excellentrnHe is great rnA lotrnYesrnExplained everything in detailrn100%rnBoth are greatrnrnAs a nurse for over 25 years I found Dr. Alvarez to be very knowledgeable, compassionate,follow though was great. Very attentive and patient with all questions and concerns. Would recommend him very highly.rnrnrn


I chose Dr. Alvarez on the basis of his fine reputation and he lived up to every word. He was warm, friendly, and funny. He took his time to review the process with me and answer all questions. His staff is knowledgable, informative, attentive and delightful.rnrnThe hospital building was OLD and smelled of bleach (a good sign). I know many of the rooms had been updated, unfortunately, mine was not one of them and I was happy to get out of there. On the other hand, the hotel rooms were comfortable and beautiful. Could not have asked for more.rn rnAside from all this, 'the proof is in the pudding', as they say. After surgery, I had one instance of nausea which was resolved immediately with meds. After that, felt no pain, no nausea, almost no bruising, and minimal gas. I was up and made one lap walking the hall the same day. The language barrier was not an issue.rnrnDr. Rosales went to great lengths to ensure the aftercare requirements were fully understood. Next day, I was touring the San Antonio Riverwalk.rnrnNow, one week after surgery, I could not be happier and already feel lighter in my step. I would do it again tomorrow in a heartbeat. Dr. Alvarez is definately a most skilled and competent surgeon and rates a 10 out of 10 in my book!rnrn

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