Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98148148148 out of 5 with 1188 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1188 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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I,chose Dr. Alveraz after a friend used him & referred him to me for sleeve surgery May 17,2010. She is a very classy lady, so I thought, if he was good enough for her, then it would be okay for me to go ONE MILE into Mexico. Sweet Rosie came to pick us up, took us thru customs (which was a breeze) then deliverd us back to the hotel. Dr Alvarez is a one in a million doc. His personal warmth shines thru and you immediately feel like you've known him forever. The surgery went just as he stated it would, and then the aftercare, was awesome. Dr. Alvarez along with Dr. Gabe came in several times for two days to check on me. US docs need to go spend time with him to get lessons on how to be a doc. They assigned Jessica who is a dream to help translate to the nurses, and escort our families to go eat,or shop. The facilies is aged, but the rooms are decorated better than the states, with internet, flat screens books to read, walk in showers, very nice. When they say you won't really need to stay another night, that is so true, you are ready to go & feel well enough to travel. Susan his office nurse, was so wonderful and you are so informed before the surgery, with everything you need, that you feel prepared for what is ahead after getting all the paperwork. I did have a couple of questions post-op, and again Susan was prompt to return my emails after the surgery as well. I know they are just an email or phone call away, so it gives you peace of mind. All I can say is, I'd do it again in heartbeat. The process is so easy. Alot cheaper than here in the states. Dr. Alveraz has chosen a great team who love their job & it shows. I guess if I had to say something neg, if would be Dr. Alvarez lives in Mexico and he isn't my doc for everything. In my opinion, you're missing the best doc, by choosing someone else...


So let me start by saying that if there ever was a hesitant person about going to Mexico to have my surgery - Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy,it would be ME! Even after all my fears had eased, I still had others around me scaring me about my decision to go there. Susan, Dr. Alvarez's coordinator knows exactly what I'm talking about but with her continued patience with my many e-mails to her and her constant confidence in their program and the doctors and staff, she once again eased all my fears.

I had already gone through all my insurance requirements here for the Lapband and had a well know surgeon picked out but after reading so many possible complications w/it, I decided against it and chose to do the VSG. After months of researching the number of these procedures done by these two different doctors, and how it was performed my gut feeling was to travel to Mexico in the end. It actually made me feel better that the hospital was ONLY 1 mi. over the border of Texas as well.

Rosie the beautiful lady that does all your ground transportation who might I add, speaks perfect English and I was actually surprised when she told me she lived in Piedras Negras, made me feel even more relaxed about our adventure over the border. Driving over the border was nothing like I had imagined. We passed by an athletic park and then what reminded me of the main entrance of the parking lots at Disney World. Never once did I feel fearful like I had dreamed up in my head. It also helped knowing that Rosie, a native there drives this route twice a day.

Meeting Dr. Alvarez for the first time in his office felt like I was meeting a new friend but one that had all the confidence in the world about what he was getting ready to do. My mother who traveled with me and is a nurse herself told Dr. Alvarez that she could tell he LOVED what he did and finally I could tell her mind was at ease about this whole experience I, her only child was about to embark on... she could tell I was in great hands.

Jessica, sweet, sweet Jessica, another beautiful lady who navigates you around the hospital and translates anything to the other staff members that otherwise might be difficult for us is so lovable and hard working you realize then how different your experience is going to be compared to the hospitals back home. Between the doctors, Jessica and Rosie the number of hugs given to both my mother and I were uncountable and unmeasurable. Dr. A and Dr. Gabe came in and checked on me so many times in the 2 days I was there unlike anything I've experienced back here in the states. I was so scared of getting sick from the anesthesia like I had here before that I made it clear to them my concerns and after surgery they continued to check to see how I was feeling and I'm estatic to say that not one time did I ever experience any nausea... an absolute miracle or their professional skills, I don't know which.

My surgery to repair a hiatal hernia and then the VSG took all of 45 min. and a few hours later I got out of the bed with no problem and started my walking as I was instructed to. The abdominal pain once again was nothing like I'd experienced when I had my gallbladder taken out laproscopically. And my incisions after only 2 weeks almost aren't noticeable - I guess because they use internal stitches and steri-strips on the outside.

Being such a pessimist by nature and always so fearful of things, I can ONLY tell anyone that's reading this that it was nothing but a POSITIVE experience all the way around. These were all great, great people that know what they are doing and love what they are doing and once there any preconceived notions we had went right out the door. There was a lady from Africa that left the day I entered and a man from Brazil that had his surgery the day after mine. That should tell you something about this doctor's reputation. My travel to and from North Carolina was no comparison to the miles these people flew to get to Dr. Alvarez and Dr. Gabe.

They are very clear with the risks involved if you don't follow the strict eating plan they've set aside for you and they tell you that if for any reason(though they're very confident that you'll be fine if you follow the rules)you need care after wards you would go to the Emergency Room at your local hospital for there you cannot be turned away. That was a concern I had about follow up care if my initial surgery was done out of the States. Dr. Gabe came in on discharge day and sat down with all the rules and take home meds and explained everything in detail; then followed it with a big hug.

I without one reservation would tell everyone willing to travel to choose this team for any bariatric needs. They are a awesome group of people with extreme knowledge of what they do and the cost was extremely affordable compared to here in the States when insurance won't cover it.


Dr. A is great and he did a wonderful Job. I'm extremely happy and I can now see my shoes when I look down! yay!


The best doctor I have ever been to in my entire life. Dr. Alvarez is a wonderful, kind and personable man. He and his fabulous staff went out of their way to ensure that not only was I well taken care of, but that my mom and dad were also taken care of. I have never in my life been treated with as much respect and care by a doctor or in a hospital as I was in his facility in Mexico.

If you are considering either a gastric sleeve or lap band procedure and do the research I did, then you will know hands down that he is the most qualified, compassionate and outstanding doctor for the job. I would recommend him to all my family and friends.

I had a friend that went and had this done by Dr. Alvarez a year before I went and she is the reason I did so much research. Both her experiences and mine were wonderful.

I would personally recommend him to anyone looking for this life change, and I say this without qualm or coersion...he and his staff are fabulous....


I had my VSG on April 9th. When I walked in and met Dr. Alvarez for the first time, I felt as though he was an old friend. He answered all of my questions and went out of his way to make sure my parents were comfortable with my operation. Dr. Alvarez and his assistant came by several times a day to check on me. You won't see that in many places in the US. The hospital was very old, but very clean. Jessica was wonderful as a translator and helped with anything that I needed. Also, Susan my coordinator was helpful from the start and continues to be there for me. Rosie was the driver that took us to and from the hospital. She was great and explained everything so we were very comfortable at the border crossing. If any friend or family member made the decisionto have WLS, I would take them to Dr. Alvarez in a heartbeat. I am very pleased with the way I was treated by Dr. Alvarez and his entire staff.


My experience with Dr. Alvarez and his staff was wonderful. From my first contact with Susan George to the drive back to San Antonio on their shuttle. After lots of research and careful consideration, I chose Dr. Alvarez because of all the wonderful experience other patients have had with him. I was comforted in learning that several people in the medical profession saw Dr. Alvarez for their bariatric needs. I am so happy that I made the decision to move forward with the surgery and am ecstatic because I am no longer on high blood pressure medications. If you or anyone you know are considering having bariatric surgery, I highly recommend Dr. Alvarez. There are no words to express the gratitude that I have on my new healthy life.


I did a ton of research before my WLS and Dr. Alvarez was was by far the most experienced in VSG, which is the surgery I desired. My surgery was on 12/7/09 and that is the first day I met him. However, I felt as if I had known him for a long time. I was treated with dignity and respect and had the very best care I could have imagined. Every one I met in his office and in the hospital was was professional and extremely courteous. I was only a little nervous about going to Mexico by myself to has the surgery, but my fears were all for nothing because I was in good hands from the time the plane landed until I left to go home.
Dr. Alvarez is very adamant about following his aftercare program, and has given me all the tools I need to succeed. My surgery was 3 months and 2 days ago and I have lost 48.5 pounds so far. I have a ways to go still, but have already been able to stop taking insulin, one of my oral diabetes meds and my high cholesterol medication. I hope to discontinue more meds really soon.
I would very highly recommend this surgery and most particularly this surgeon to anyone who needs to change their life. My life has already changed for the better and I have high hopes that it will just keep getting better!


Did a great job.
Hard to see my scars. He is part plastic surgeon I think.
Great followup with questions or problems!


My Story [ Edit ]

Hello everyone, sorry it has taken me such a long time to finally post my story. I am a nurse practitoner and I have my own practice and 4 small children ages 10-6-4- and 11 months. Now you might have some sort of understanding why I haven't gotten around to do this until now! I have wanted to have WLS for the past several years, but I wanted to finish having babies. So, I decided early November 2009, that it was time. After much thought and research, I decided that I was going to need to travel to Mexico for this procedure! We have United Health Care, however, my husband's policy excludes any type of weight loss surgery! I had the vsg priced in Nashville, Tennessee---uuummm how about $25,000 buckaroos----and NO thanks!!
Yes-- my husband thought I had lost my mind when I told him about going to Mexico!!!But, after I explained who, what, when and where-- he was supportive. So, I began my search for a surgeon in Mexico. The first one I found-- I knew was the right one---after much research, and watching all the you tube videos of his patients, and reading all the stories on OH. I immediately called Susan to discuss scheduling my surgery. She was very helpful in working with me to accomodate my schedule. So, we decided on December 30th as the surgery date!!! She took my health history over the phone and submitted everything to Dr. Alvarez. He responded and everything was a go, and required me to do a 10 day preop liquid diet! OH NO--no Christmas Dinner for me-- you know what I didn't miss it -- I was way excited about the 30th!! Sent my $1000.00 deposit to secure my surgery date--and it's no turning back at this point! My husband and I decided we would drive!! We live in Tennessee so it was just what we wanted to do--and we had a good quality road trip!! So, we left Tennessee Monday morning December 28th and arrived in Eagle Pass, TX that night around 11:30---not a bad trip at all!! We slept in and went shopping and hung out in Eagle Pass on Tuesday. Wednesday morning at 6:30 am, Rosie arrived to take us over to meet Dr. Alvarez. We met with him in his office and decided who would go first-- and of course I had waited for this day long enough-- and I said "I'll go!" We met privately with Dr. Alvarez in his office and he got to know us a little, and answered all questions and that made my husband much more comfortable. He is very thorough and wonderful bedside manner and that makes a huge difference.
Next, we were escorted to our room by Jessica, a very sweet young lady that was there for us during the day for translation or to answer any questions we might have. She was wonderful. We settled in our room- then we were taken to the lab, and then to xray--and then back to change into the wonderful air conditioned gowns we are all sooo familiar with--- they are the same in Mexico---by the way!!! LOL The nurse came in to start my IV and after it was started that is all I remember! My surgery was at 10:00am and it only took about 30 minutes to perform my VSG. I know right--- a lifetime to create this stomach-- and 30 minutes to take that baby out!!! WHEHEW!! That was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Wednesday--afternoon very groggy from anesthesia, but no real pain!!! Basically, just very tender belly! Thursday started on ice chips up in the day--- they were uncomfortable--actually they hurt! So, Dr. Alvarez stopped the ice chips and started me on room temperature water!! That was heaven!!! So, much better, and soothing! I did well all day Thursday-- didn't have to ask for anything extra for pain other than what he had scheduled for me to have!! That was awesome! Friday morning I was up and at em showered, packed ready to head back to Tennessee--- I missed my babies sooooo much. Dr. Alvarez came by and went over discharge instructions----- very thorough---gave us a packet and bag of everything that we would need!! He was a very nice doctor, and was very passionate about what he does! I was given jello and a juice box. The grape juice was wonderful!! Rosie came and picked us and took us back to the hotel where we left our vehicle--(where it was fine)!!! We actually went and visited the Alamo while we were in Texas on that Friday!! I was good---just a tender belly! We then came back to Tennessee-- the road trip was not bad at all!!! My babies were sooo glad to see us home on! I was back to work to see patients on Monday morning! No pain meds needed!!! The patients were tooo funny they didn't think I'd be there!!! They know me better than that!!
I love my patients and I love my family-- and I had both in mind when I decided to have this done. So, I am now 2 months out and I am down 45 pounds and I think I just might be down 100 pounds by month 4. I honestly thought that was not feasible for me to do--- but, it is VERY feasible!! The weight just falls off!!!! Still can't do hamburger meat--- but I am okay with that-- I would rather have chicken!! So, whether you have already had surgery or thinking about it-- you should do your research-- check out Dr. Alvarez and his staff they were amazing!!! Thank you Dr. Alvarez, Dr. Gabe, Susie, Rosie, Jessica and all the nursing staff at Piedras Niegras!!! It was an experience of a lifetime-- and I think an experience that has enabled me to live a longer, happier, healthier life!! If anyone has questions feel free to message me!! I am also on with the user name jpetty!! Here's to a healthy, happy 2010!!!

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