Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98148148148 out of 5 with 1188 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1188 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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My name is Susan Ferris and iam from nova scotia canada, to say iam a big wimp is an understatement. My friend went to Dr Alvarez a year and half ago she has lost 130 pounds. She runs she looks amazing and is such an encouragement to me. So when I asked about the doctor and she said you will not believe the professional staff and how sweet they are. So i started my research and to my surprise when I went it was exactly like the video even the driver Rosie it is really her. So when you arrive you feel like you know them. No surprise,s at a time like this is a good thing. I know you can do this cheaper but I highly recommemnd Dr Alvarez because your health is precious. I followed all the rules and never had a hitch. Iam down 35 pounds and off of one blood pressure pill and everyone is giving me so many compliments. I feel lighter on my feet already. So excited for my furture. thank thank thank you to all the team. ...........keep up the good work!!!!!


Dr. Alvarez and his staff was more personable and more profesional than I had hoped for. The facility was very clean and well managed. This was by far the best experience in a hospital stay or surgery that I have ever experienced. I feel like I have joined a family!!! It was nice to finally find a Dr. who cares about you as a person!!! The surgery went without any problems. To my surprise, I had zero pain. And now my life is forever changed. I am seeing fantastic results and not out of surgery two months yet. To date I have lost 75 lbs. Thank God for Dr, Alvarez!!!! There is positively nothing negative I could say about the entire process! Again, Thank God for Dr. Alvarez!!!


Doctor Alvarez is the best surgeon I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with. His office staff is nice, informative and helpful - reguardless if you are pre-op or post-op.
The entire trip was a snap! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SHOW UP!!!!
(They take care of the rest) It was like a mini-vacation!
Dr. Alvarez and his staff have everything streamlined. He and his team checked on me several times thru out the day, the hospital suite was nice. The staff spoke english, they were also sincere and quick to respond to my calls.
I have nothing negative to say - this was a 5 STAR EXPERIENCE!!!


I had VSG surgery performed by Dr. Alvarez on July 26, 2012. I spent several months researching all my options and found that Dr. Alvarez was the best doctor in Mexico who performs this surgery. My experience was exceptional. I have to admit, my husband and I were both nervous about journeying to Mexico to have major surgery, but financially it was my only option. We traveled with friends of ours, where the wife also had surgery. The experience was incredible. From Rosie picking us up and transporting us, to Jessica, Dr. Alvarez's care coordinator, everything was great. My surgery went very well. I spent two nights in the hospital and traveled home afterwards. Dr. Alvarez and his associate Dr. Gabriel are two very gentle, carrying men. They came and visited me 2 or more times each day while I was in the hospital. Jessica made sure all my needs were attended to. The hospital is under reconstruction, and although an older hospital it was very clean and very nice. The care I received their beat or matched any care I had in the US. The doctors bedside manner was better than any American Doctor I have seen. I would highly recommend Dr. Alvarez for this surgery. The great news is, I am only 4 and 1/2 weeks out and have lost 40lbs already. If you are considering doctor Alvarez do not hesitate, you will not regret it!! And finally, I never once felt unsafe in the area we went in Mexico. The day before surgery we went into Mexico and went to this nice little market and shopped. I never once felt unsafe.


Ok brace yourself - this is going to be a looonng review. When I first found dr Alvarez I was immediately like, "Mexico? No way." After researching more US doctors I kept finding them siting papers written by dr Alvarez. I went to some local seminars in my area and was very unimpressed by the information and the pedantic, patronizing way they spoke to the patient community. When I contacted dr Alvarez's patient coordinator, Susan, she returned my email within minutes. She was frank and informative and even after I asked some pretty insane questions, she made me feel like the most important patient on earth.

I did even more research on medical travel, and without boring you with the politics and details, basically discovered that all the fear out there is perpetuated by the US medical establishment. (I recommend the book _Patients Beyond Borders_)

My next step was getting my husband on board. This was a tricky proposition, but after setting up a Skype meeting with dr Alvarez and reading his book, my husband was tentatively comfortable with the idea.

I thought I'd be freaking out the days before surgery but Susan did such a great job helping me get prepared that I was calm and serene the day of surgery. My husband was VERY nervous. Dr Alvarez did an amazing job talking to him and easing his anxiety. Seriously, I wish my primary care doctor had 1/10 the people-skills and bedside manner.

Long story short, I'd go to dr Alvarez again in a heartbeat. Dr Gabriel and his assistants (almost all of them are bilingual) are excellent. The level of care exceeded my expectations. I'm a month out as I write this review, and have healed flawlessly. I was never in pain or nauseous at any time. I'm down 30-ish pounds.

Peidras Negras is a cute little town and very safe. It has a great little market where I bought a bunch of souvenirs the day before my operation. Jenni is one of dr Alvarez's staff who is sort of a "fixer." she acts as interpreter, advocate and took the husbands for lunch while I was undergoing the brief surgery. ( yes I said husbands, me and a friend went down together for surgery.)

As far as aftercare, both susan and dr Alvarez are available via email or phone post-surgery 24-7. (full disclosure, I never needed to contact them as I didn't have any problems.) but they have been checking in and sending email reminders when I am able to move on to the next dietary phase.

Dr Alvarez is not the least expensive but I firmly believe he is the best. When it comes to your body and well-being you will not be in better hands anywhere in the world.


Dr Alvarez is the most sincere and knowledgeable Doctor I have ever had. While in his hospital, I was visited by him and his staff more in two days than I have been in the states in a week. His staff is very courteous and they are just great to meet. The amount of time Dr Alvarez has invested in his practice is plain to see when you experience such expertise. I would suggest to anyone if you are contemplating having a gastric sleeve. Dr Alvarez is your man. I have been monitored more by e-mail than I would normally have been by my own local Doctor.


Dr A was GREAT! The staff was awesome too! When I arrived at the hospital I was alittle suprised as it's an old building in a older neighborhood. The hospital staff was nice but reserved. The van ride from the airport to the hotel (Eagle Pass) was OKAY. The hotel at Eagle Pass is located in the middle of no-where. We had to take a $20 cab around the block in order to get some food and drinks (water). There are plenty of hotels in the heart of Eagle Pass in which the stores and restaurants would have been in walking distance! That is my only complaint about my WLS experience.

No regrets!


I don't really know how to start this other than saying if you are thinking about going to Dr. Alvarez for A VSG - DO IT!!!! I was very impressed with how easy the whole process was. From getting information, getting approved and having the surgery. I learned about Dr. Alvarez from my sister who had the VSG by him 5 years ago and has kept off 90 pounds.

My surgery was 5 weeks ago and I am down 28lbs. I was required to do a 1 week pre-op liquid diet and lost the first 7lbs during that week. Don't be worried about the liquid diet part. A few weeks of liquid is minor compared to the rest of your NEW life at a healthier weight.

I am now onto regular food and it is great. I eat a little bit and just stop because I get full and am satisified. It is amazing to just be able to taste whatever I want without guilt because I know I physically cannot overeat. This has NEVER been the case previously. Seeing the results so quickly is also very motivating. I am exercising now, I have more focus at work, I sleep better and generally just feel better. Plus it's only going to get better.

The hotels you stay at on the 1st and 4th nights of your trip are great. The 2 nights in the Mexican hospital are great. There is an english speaking nurse on staff at all times. I have to add the air conditioner in my room worked great and I actually got cold which I loved. I had surgery in July and it was HOT.
I had no pain from surgery. Sure there was some discomfort to a degree but nothing close to real pain. I didn't have any nausea either.
When I read reviews about Dr. Alvarez before I had surgery I thought to myself how can anybody be so great and how can all these people be saying the same thing. Well, it's all true. You won't find a better surgeon. It's also true you have personal access to him via email for any questions or concerns or to just let him know how great you are doing.

I have to give credit to the other players in this process as well. Susan, Dr. Alvarez's coordinator - very prompt and informatitive. Rosie, the transportation queen - it cannot be easy doing all that driving every day. Jessica, Dr. Alvarez's nurse - awesome awesome awesome. So nice and hardworking. I wanted to put her in my pocket and take her home. Dr. Gabe, assistant surgeon - very nice and attentive.


My Name is Laurie and I live in Oregon. I have lost 119 pound from gastric sleeve surgery with Dr. Alvarez. I had my surgery in June of 2011. Best thing I ever did for my self!!! Dr A does a great job and I have had no complaints or complications!!! If you are considering it DO IT My only regret is that I did not do this sooner


When I found Dr. Alvarez on-line and read all the great reviews, I felt I had made the right decision when I called. I had told only a few people about my surgery and I knew they would not agree with me to travel to Mexico, I have 7 sisters and 1 brother so I decided not to say anything till after surgery. I can say me and my daughter never felt fearful or scared I thought the whole experience was great! The trip, Dr. Alvarez and his great staff, it reminded me of the ways Doctors used to be many years ago. I feel really blessed to have Dr. Alvarez as my surgeon.It is the best thing I have done for myself. I thank god for people who go about life doing good. Dr. Alvarez is one of them and so grateful for this journey. I haven't felt this happy in a long time.

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