Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

18 yr in Bariatrics
18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
100% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 11
Max Age of Patient is 75

18 yr in Bariatrics
18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
100% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 11
Max Age of Patient is 75

DR Alvarez is the best and I sincerely mean that. He and his staff of doctors are incredible and are some of the most professional doctors I have ever witnessed. I would also say that his staff and the hospital staff are wonderful. I was well cared for the whole time I was there. From the moment I walked through the door and met Dr Alvarez, I felt confident that I was going to be okay. You see, I was there alone. Most patients have a family member or friend with them for support, I didn't. Fortunately, another patient's family decided to take on that role and made sure I was okay throughout my stay. The surgery went without a hitch as far as I felt. Dr. Alvarez works with 3 other doctors and it seemed as though one of the doctors including Dr Alvarez, was in the hospital checking on patients 2 or 3 times a day. Not to mention his staff being at the hospital at all times making sure we were all cared for. I was comfortable throughout my stay, which was all of Friday, all of Saturday, and discharged on Sunday. When you get ready to leave, Dr Alvarez makes sure you are ready and in doing so he provides you with needed medications and detailed instructions. Dr. Alvarez is a gift from God. The work he does for the obese population so we can improve our lives and experience much improved health is his calling. I got my life back and the money I spent to accomplish this by having the VSG surgery I consider an investment in the bank. It will allow me to continue my work and enjoy more that life has to offer. I 60 years old, and am 4 weeks post surgery. I started the pre-surgery diet 7 weeks ago and so far I have lost 54 lbs with a goal of at least 100, I am over half way there and I feel great. To anyone considering this surgical option, I can only say that Dr. Alvarez is the best. I also cannot go without mention of Rosie. Rosie is the driver who takes you from San Antonio to Eagle Pass and then into Piedras Negras (sp) and then back after discharge. I will just say that she is also a great member of the Dr's staff and a vital link in this whole process. Be safe.

Our first impression of Dr. Alvarez was great! He was very nice, and informative. We were nervous about going to Mexico! The media doesn't help. Rosey was awesome! She put us at ease from the start! When we arrived and met with Dr. A and some of his staff, he went over everything and let me ask all the questions I had. After surgery the Drs and nurses were very helpful and concerned. The morning nurse Andrea was soooo great to me and my wife. My wife was scared to leave me and was scared to go out. Andrea went and got her something to eat and her bedside manner was the best! Our afternoon nurse was great too! He knew his stuff and was very helpful and sweet! They understood that we had no clue period! Lol. Jessica was great too, but she worked the night shift so we didn't see her as much as the others. Dr. A and his surgeon assistants were great about checking on us and answering all the questions we had. After we got back home we really liked to be able to email the Dr directly. He has been great to get right back with us. The surgery has helped me a lot. I have lost about 45lbs already. It is strange not eating a huge plate full, but I am getting use to it. We have to say something about Susan! She is who you will be in contact with before surgery and honestly, not sure it would have happened without her knowledge and support! Overall it has been great, it is definitely a life style change but totally worth it!

My Name is Juan from Texas.
Today October 13, 2013 has been exactly one month since I had my surgery done.
As I entered Mexico for the first time in my life, I was a little nervous not knowing anyone and specially going for an operation.
As we entered the hospital and met with Dr. Alvarez, I new at that moment that everything was going to be OK.
Having my wife with me through this process made things easier, this was something that I was exited to find out when I started thinking about going to Mexico for surgery.
Dr. Alvarez is very caring and was with me from the day of my surgery till I checked out. All day long.
Staff was excellent too, checking me up day and night, even in the middle of the night to the point where I wanted to tell them to let me sleep (during the night)
So far two members of my family plus my self have done this procedure and I would do it again in a heart beet if I had to knowing the care that I received from Dr. Alvarez and his team.
As far as the surgery, pain is tolerable with minimum pain after leaving hospital. Dr. will give you allot more medication, more then you'll probably need as I stopped taking my a couple of days after I got home.
It will be uncomfortable, heartburn and learning your new stomach as it takes time since your brain has been communicating with your big stomach all of your life will be part of the process. Its up to you to learn how much you can it with a much smaller one and when to stop eating. As Dr. Alvarez always says on his radio show "Listen to your sleeve people"
This is a long term process but great investment for your health and your new rewarding life style. So far I have lost 35-lbs with my goal of 90-lbs. I know I will be getting allot of new clothes this year for Christmas ;o)
If you have lost all hopes of loosing weight on your own and cant take it anymore, this will be the best you can do for your self.
Dr. Alvarez have changed my life after years of hating my self when looking in a mirror.

I am one month post-VGS with Dr. Alvarez. I'd had the Lap-Band done in Tijuana in 2004 but had so many problems with it that I'd had it removed last year 2012. The experience going to Piedras Negras was so much better! Rosy picked us up at the hotel in Eagle Pass TX and took us across the boarder, no problems what-so-ever. Dr. Alvarez met us and spoke to each of us individually in his office. He didn't give the feeling that he was on a time crunch, answered all questions as if his entire day revolved around making sure the person seated in front of him was completely comfortable and satisfied. His entire staff seemed to operate the same way from day one to check-out. Dr. A reviewed what he expected to find, what the procedure was, made sure it was understood that our health and well-being was his first and foremost priority and that if he found that not doing the surgery was best it was a possibility.
The room I was assigned was small but complete with private bathroom, a sofa-bed, and computer as well as a television with a few English channels. The only negative on the computer was trying to get a password, if you have a laptop, you are probably better off bringing that, but that's just my opinion. On cell phones, at the time of my surgery, AT&T didn't have roaming charges, you were charged as if you were still in TX, the other carriers had hefty fee's and sent you a text stating as much.
My surgery was Friday, Saturday one of Dr. Alvarez's staff took me to the open air market for some shopping. Not implying that this is offered to everyone routinely but since I'd gone to Mexico alone, the staff member offered to chaperon my trip to the market if it made me feel more comfortable since I don't speak Spanish well.
Sunday I walked the halls of the hospital, knitted, walked, knitted, walked etc. Walk walk walk, best way to feel better.
Monday morning my drain tube was removed prior to Rosy taking myself and another couple back across the boarder to TX. Not everyone gets a drain tube but because I'd had a lot of scaring from my previous surgeries it was required. Again, no problems going back across the boarder, just showed my passport card, took about 2 minutes for the van to get through.
The most surprising thing (happy surprise) is the fact that when I had my Lap Band done, once I left Tijuana (sp) that was it, I never heard from that doctor or his staff again, not so with Dr. Alvarez. I was released on Monday morning, stayed at the hotel in Eagle Pass that night just as a precaution. Tuesday I made the 6 hour drive home. When I got home, not only was there email from Susan, there was snail mail from Dr. Alvarez! As each phase of the post-op diet was completed, I'd get another email with an attachment of the next phase of the diet and asking how I was doing and if I had any concerns. (You are sent the entire diet BEFORE your surgery.) I wasn't having acid reflux problems but man oh man the heart burn was horrible. Dr. Alvarez wrote back and gave me three options for OTC medications that I could choose from and how he wanted me to take them. (Different from the package) and bingo, first one on his list worked perfect. Once your surgery is done, you are not left alone to figure things out. Every time I saw the doctor, he made it very clear that the success of my surgery largely depended on how well I was willing to follow and accept the after-care. If you are not ready to commit to completely giving over just one month of your life's food choices and really following the after-care diet, then rethink having the surgery. Better to be prepared to follow the post-op diet for a month even though its a major head annoyance at times and live and be healthy than to talk yourself into thinking you're miserable and cheating and risking death over something so trivial as food.
Having had the Lap Band for 8 years, I know the small amounts of food that I will eat now that I am back on real food again can be tricky on the mind.... you feel full after eating less than a two year old, your taste buds seem to change, your mind says you have to eat more... yes its an adjustment but man are the results worth it. If I'd had it to do over again, I'd have done the VGS the first time and I wish I'd known about Dr. Alvarez.

I had VSG surgery in Mexico with Dr. Alvarez on September 12th, 2013. I could not be happier with my choice to have this surgery in Mexico with this highly skilled and very caring surgeon. Every part of my trip went smoothly. I got off the plane in San Antonio, Tx. From there, Rosie (Dr. Alvarez's driver and cousin) picked me and another young lady up and drove us about 2 hours to a small boarder town called Eagles Pass. We stayed the night there in a nice hotel with very comfy beds and a nice pool. The next morning Rosie picks you back up and takes you about a mile across the boarder to Dr. Alvarez's office where he goes over the procedure with you and discusses any concerns you may have. Then you go get bloodwork done, get weighed, and have a chest xray. I was then taken to my room and hooked to an IV. The nurse gave me something to relax me, and I woke up and my surgery was done! The hospital is a little older than what you may be used to but it was extremely clean and the nurses were very polite and attentive. Not like nurses here. When you ask for pain medicine they bring it immediately. Most dont speak english but they do know enough to understand when you need pain medicine. There is always someone there to translate for you, this would be Jessica or Jesus. Dr. Alvarez came and checked on me daily. He was so kind and comforting. Im glad I went with my gut on this one. Even after I got home he still emails me...example..a couple days ago I had a minor issue with one of my incisions. I emailed him directly and within 10 minutes later he responded. You do not get that kind of help from any Doctor I know of here. If you are considering going to Mexico I highly reccomend Dr. Alvarez. P.s. no I was not compensated to write this :-)

Dr. Alvarez is an amazing surgeon and his team has the same dedication about your care before your surgery, during your surgery and after care is number one (Dr. Rosales, Susan, Rosie, Andrea, Dr. Salinas, Jesus and Jessica). I had done my research on the VSG. Dr. Alvarez name kept coming up. I read all his reviews, and couldn’t find a single negative comment about his practice. What you read about him is exactly what you get, everyone has had the same experience I had “Excellent”. I would recommend the VSG procedure with Dr. Alvarez to anyone who wants to change their life.
July 20, 2013 I sent an email to Susan requesting information about the VSG. She responded within 25-45 minutes. I review all the videos, and paperwork. I must of asked Susan every question I could think of. She responded quickly with the information I requested. I knew this was the right decision for my situation. I filled out my medical history and submitted it for review. I was notified that Dr. Alvarez approved me for VSG within three days. I was provided a package with all the information I needed to go forward with VSG. I picked the day I wanted to have my surgery(Sept 9, 2013).
Sept 8, 2013 I arrived at San Antonio International Airport. I was not nervous until I arrived at San Antonio. All of a sudden I started questioning myself what have I got myself into. I gathered myself and called the hotel to send a shuttle to pick me up. Once I arrived at the hotel lobby I was informed that Rosie would be here shortly. My friends at home was calling me freaking out that I went by myself. One friend told me to take a picture of the van and Rosie just in case I turned up missing. Well I did not do that. The staff at the hotel was very nice and made me feel comfortable. Rosie showed up around noon for our 2.5 hour drive to Eagle Pass. The ride seem short because I was asking Rosie every question I could think of. She explained everything that I will go through. We arrived at the Holiday in Express around 2:30 pm and Rosie checked me into the Hotel, she then told me that she would be back at around 7:00 am the next morning(Surgery Day). Rosie showed up at 7:00 to drive myself and another person having surgery across the border into Mexico. With in a few minutes we were pulling into the parking lot of the Dr. Alvarez's office. Rosie walked us into the Dr. Alvarez office.
Dr. Alvarez and Andrea both greeted us. We all sat down for a couple minutes. Dr. Alvarez spoke with each of us privately about what was going to happen. I was at total ease once I met with him. I was weighed, a few pictures were taken. Andrea collected my paperwork and took me next door from his office to the hospital. Andrea stayed with me every step of the way because I was alone. I started surgery prep having blood drawn. Andrea showed me my room which was next door to the person who was also having surgery today. Once in my room I changed into my gown and waited a few minutes for the nurses to come in and start the IV. Next came Dr. Salines, the anesthesiologist to check on me and let me know he would be back shortly to get me. About, 20 minutes later; I transferred onto a gurney and was given the medicine to put me under. Next thing I remember waking up back in my room. Dr. Alvarez and Dr. Rosales visited me at least twice that evening before going home. Jessica afternoon team member and Jesus the night team member helped with translation if I needed it. I was up and walking the same day I had surgery. I walked the halls of the hospital because I was feeling great. The next day all of the doctors, including Dr. Alvarez, came in and checked on me multiple times. When I was allowed to start having ice chips it was wonderful. Discharge day Sept 11, 2013, Rosie picked me up and we were on our way to the border crossing. She asked me for my passport to re-enter the US. Everything went very smoothly and I was on my way back to San Antonio. We stopped about half way there for a chance to stretch and get something to drink. Finally, we were back at the hotel in San Antonio and Rosie checked me into the hotel.
I arrived home Sept 12, 2013 no troubles on the flight. Dr. Alvarez and Susan both contacted me to see how I was doing. There are 4 stages to the Post-op diet,(stage 1 is the hardest) Dr. Alvarez sent emails to remind me each time the next stage was happening, he sent out a reminder of what kinds of foods I could begin to try slowly. He also checking in to see how I was doing and answer any questions I might have. I would go back to Mexico to see Dr. Alvarez and his team if I needed to have another surgery. If he could not perform the surgery because it is not in his field I would ask for his recommendation. I would highly recommend him. I’m 30 days post op

I had one of the most amazing experiences at a hospital with Dr. Alvarez team. I would recommend him to anybody any day. Everything was great. Through out the whole time I was under his care I had translators. I had doctor check ups several times a day during my stay at the hospital. My anesthesiologist even checked up on me several times. What an awesome team. I would go back again and honestly if I ever need another surgery I would probably ask him for recommendations. Ohhh the most important thing to be, my scars are pretty much gone and they were perfectly cut. And I should say its only been 30 days aandi have olive skin so pigment has always been an issue but not this time. Thank you Dr. Alvarez =)

Dr. Alvarez has assembled an amazing team. He and his entire team, Susan, Rosy, Andrea, Jessica, Jesus, Dr. Gabe, Dr. Rosales & Dr. Salines all have the same passion for helping people fighting obesity as he does. On May 20, 2013 I sent a message to [email protected] to learn more about Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. With in a day maybe less, Susan responded to me answering my questions as well as sending a video with Dr. Alvarez explaining what the procedure is all about. With this knowledge and all the information I researched online plus all the video Dr. Alvarez has online, I knew this was the right decision for me. Over the next week or so I had a lot of questions for Susan and she always answered them promptly. She has a vast amount of knowledge about this procedure because she has also been a patient. She can also give you a personal perspective. Once I filled out all the Medical History paperwork and submitted it for approval it was only a matter of a few days before Dr. Alvarez reviewed my medical history and I was approved. I knew my journey was starting and I was looking forward to every minute of it. I was a larger person when I started so I was required to complete a 4 week liquid diet (you may think 4 weeks - Oh my gosh but I knew I could do it.) My Surgery was set for exactly 2 months later. I decided to start cutting back at that point, I didn't want to have a last meal, or food funeral. I decided at that point I wanted my liver and other organs to be in the best health they could be in for surgery. I started drinking 2 protein shakes and one small protein rich meal for dinner a day for the first month, and really didn't have any carb withdrawal headaches. In 4 weeks I had lost 25 lbs. I couldn't believe it. I thought to myself.. Maybe I can do this. This gave me the encouragement I need to keep going. Now I was 4 weeks out from Surgery and my all liquid diet started. I replace my 3rd meal a day with one more shake (with lots of research and watching a lot of you-tube videos from other VSG people, I learned Premiere Protein is the best).
Finally the weekend before my surgery arrived. I made it.. My mom decided to come with me to Piedras Negras, MX. We live in the Pacific Northwest and had to travel a day early in order to meet Rosy at the Hotel on Sunday morning for our 2.5 hour drive to Eagle Pass. Rosy is wonderful; she has this process down to a science, and knew exactly where to stop for a break and explainied things that we were seeing as we are driving to Eagle Pass. If I remember correctly she has been a part of Dr. Alvarez team for over 7 years. We arrived at the Holiday in Express around 2:30 pm and Rosy checked us into the Hotel, she then told us that she would be back at around 7:00 am the next morning (Surgery Day). Just like clock work she met us at 7:00 am and drove us across the border into Mexico. With in a few minutes we were pulling into the parking lot of the Dr. Alvarez's office and were unloading our luggage. When we walked into the office, Dr. Alvarez and Andrea both greeted us. We all sat down for a couple minutes and chatted with the Dr. Alvarez, he put us all at ease. When it was my turn to met with Dr. Alvarez in his office I was weighed (and had lost a total of 50 lbs lost prior to surgery), a few pictures were taken and he discussed what was going to happen. He also answered any questions I had. Andrea collected all our paperwork and took us next door from his office to the small private hospital. Then I started surgery prep, having blood drawn and a chest x-ray done, Andrea was with me every step of the way. Once back in my room I changed into my gown and waited a few minutes for the nurses to come in and start the IV. Next came Dr. Salines, the anesthesiologist to check on me and let me know he would be back shortly to get me. About, 35-45 minutes later it was my turn; I transferred onto a gurney and was given the medicine to put me under. Dr. Alvarez came out and talked to my mom as soon as the surgery was over and let her know everything went perfect. The next thing I remember was being back in my room and waking up from surgery a couple hours later. Pretty soon Dr. Alvarez was in checking on me, as well as Dr. Gabe , Dr. Rosales and Dr. Salines throught the rest of the afternoon. By now Jessica was there helping to translate for us when the nurses came by to take my blood pressure and give me more meds in my IV, she was wonderful too. She offered to take my mom to a restaurant for dinner. Dr. Alvarez and Dr. Rosales came by one more time before the evening was over. Then Jesus, the night nurse, helped us again if we needed translations. The next day all of the doctors, including Dr. Alvarez, came in and checked on me multiple times. I tried to walk as much as I could up and down the halls. I was dealing with nausea so I kept making short trips around the halls (but it really helps with getting the gas they put in you out. I was also allowed to start having ice chips and that was wonderful. The third day was discharge day and we were ready to head out. Rosy picked us up and we were on our way to the border crossing. She asked us for our passports, since you need them, to re-enter the US. Going into Mexico they didn't ask for them. Everything went very smoothly and we were on our way back to San Antonio. We stopped about half way there for a chance to stretch and get something to drink. Finally, we were back at the hotel in San Antonio and Rosy was checking us into the hotel. I got up to my room and slept. That evening I let Dr. Alvarez and Susan know I was feeling better. Susan even called to check on me as well. The next day was my day to travel home, our flight did not leave until the evening so Rosy arranged for late check out. (THANK YOU ROSY!!)
Now started the beginning to the rest of my life. Dr. Alvarez has given me this amazing tool, he always says it is a tool. It's not going to do the work for you, you have to put in the hard work, too, if you want to be successful with it & exercise is key. The good thing is you can be successful. There are 4 stages to the Post-op diet, over the next 5 weeks Dr. Alvarez e-mailed me to remind me each time the next stage was happening, he sent out a reminder of what kinds of foods we could begin to try slowly. He was also checking in to see how we were doing and answer any questions we may have.
He is an amazing and talented surgeon, with a deep knowledge about Bariactics and a thirst to continue to learn the latest technology out there in order to help his patients be successful. Now, like many of you, I had done my research. I read all his reviews, and could't find a single negative comment about his practice. What you read about him is exactly what you get; we all have the same experience. I would recommend the VSG procedure with Dr. Alvarez to anyone who wants to change their life. He gives you the tool you need. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT... I think he is the best!!
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Dr. Alvarez and his staff are wonderful, caring people. Susan is great about responding to emails. Rosie was a delightful driver to and from the hospital. The pre-op and post-op instructions were clear. The hospital was nice and clean. There were plenty of staff members that spoke English, no language challenges. Everyone was very encouraging. I have followed the instructions and have had wonderful results. The surgery has changed everything about my body and my life. I feel younger and stronger. I am no longer held hostage by my sugar addiction. I am free!!!! It takes courage to change your life. Dr. Alvarez is the surgical life partner for the journey of change. You will cared for and loved through the process by Dr. Alvarez and his entire staff.

I'm sure you can imagine the look I received from friends and family when I told them I was going to Mexico for the vertical sleeve. Even I was questioning my own sanity! My mom slipped money into my hand as I arrived at the airport saying " just in case you get there and don't feel comfortable, this will help you escape!" Well you'll all be glad to know that I came home with the money and didn't need to 'escape'. Words cannot express how amazing my experience was. There truly are genuine, caring people in the world and Dr.Alvarez is one of them. From the instant he shook my hand all my anxiety and fears went away. His whole team are an amazing group of people, who really care, and are always there to answer questions, and take care of all your needs. They even brought my sister shopping and out to get meals!! For anyone thinking about taking this journey I promise you there will be no regrets, you will be in great hands, you will feel completely comfortable and at ease. Dr.Alvarez was able to give me a tool to reach my goals, without him I don't think these goals would be attainable, I will be forever thank full!
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