Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98159509202 out of 5 with 1193 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1193 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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I was enrolled in a pre op program in California this past summer in preparation for the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. After loosing 22# on my pre op diet, it was decided by my Bariatric Surgeon that surgery was no longer necessary. I was devastated! Determined to have the surgery anyway, I began to do my research on different Bariatric Surgeons. Dr Alvarez's name kept popping up, so I investigated further. I am an Registered Nurse in California and very particular about care received, licensing etc. Dr A checked out on all levels and appeared to be one of the top physicians in his field. The process was simple and the Endobariatric team made me feel welcome from the start. My surgery was August 1, 2016. I felt comfortable enough to go to Texas/Mexico on my own and received the most amazing care and treatment. The recovery was quick and easy. I have absolutely no regrets and I am so very thankful for Dr Alvarez and his incredible team for restoring my health. After battling my weight and health issues for 30 years, I have lost 70 pounds, and 15 pounds away from my goal. I feel fantastic! Thanks Dr A! You really are the best!

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Dr. Alvarez was everything people said he would be! His staff provided possibly the best bedside and after surgery care than I ever experienced in the U.S. I had next to no pain after surgery and everything went like clockwork. I have never been more impressed with a medical staff, but much more impressed with how much they truly cared with my well being and comfort. I would highly recommend Dr. Alvarez and his staff. They honestly treat you like family and with the utmost respect! I would do it again in a heartbeat!!!



Weight 335 pounds March 1, 2016
Pre-Op 315 pounds March 10, 2016
Weight 205 pounds December 4, 2016
Weight 200 pounds Jan 2, 2017
Total Lost so far 135 pounds.

Clothes sizes: before surgery, suit size 54 L, Dress shirt 19, T-shirt 4 xl, pant size 50
Now: suit size 44 L, Dress shirt 16, T-shirt 2 xl, pant size 36

I'm a 39 yr old male 6'4" with a big build. I had my gastric sleeve surgery with Dr Alvarez on March 10, 2016. I wanted to wait to post my review and it's Dec now so almost 9 months, so now is the time. First, this was the best decision I have made in my life. My only regret is that I have should have done it 10 years sooner. I will address all my concerns that I had, when I was thinking about Surgery so if you are deciding whether or not to do this perhaps this review will help you.
I have always been chubby growing up, heck I was 10 pounds when I was born. But after I got married I really put on the weight, mainly from overeating and fast food. I tried many diets, and some worked. Medifast worked the best I lost 40 pounds, but gained it all back later. But I tried them all, while some worked, later I would gain back what I lost and then some. Then I had a friend that used Dr A, and I saw her transformation and was Amazed!! She told me her experience and I started doing research. My aunt had did the gastric bypass years ago and wasn't interested in that because of the issues she had. (Always sick and couldn't eat everything). But my friend that had the sleeve done said she could eat anything, just in smaller portions. I began with my research. I read all reviews, and decided on the gastric sleeve. I wanted to use Dr Alvarez, cause of my friends recommendation, but he was more expensive. I was debating between him and Dr Ortiz who was cheaper about 2k. But after reading all reviews I decided to pay more and I'm so glad I did. The pre op diet was very hard, but I stuck to it and lost 20 pounds. Going across into Mexico was very simple and easy. Rosa I think was her name picked us up. My mom went with me since my wife had to stay with kids. The hospital was kinda old, but most nurses could understand if you wanted anything, and Dr A nurses check on you all the time and they speak English. Within hours of my surgery I was up walking. I had no pain at all, but I took the pain meds as instructed by Dr A. I might have had a little discomfort but not really hurting. Overall the process was easy and I felt safe the whole time. After I got home, I was on an all liquid diet, and was pretty rough. For the first couple of months I really starting regretting my decision. I loved food, I thought I would never get to enjoy it again, even when I got to solid food, I would eat a couple of bites, and feel full or sick to my stomach. I could never get that full feeling. But I learned my stomach had to heal. I loved spicy food, couldn't eat it. One bite gave me heartburn. After about 3 months in, I stopped regretting it and loving sleeve. 3 months out I could eat about 2-2.5 oz, now I'm about 6 oz. I weigh all my food, because I still eat kinda fast, never learned to eat slow. I eat in about 15 min. Not drinking with meals at first was hard, but you get used to it. I'm in the best shape of my life. I work out, 4-5 days a week. I can pretty much eat anything I want. But try to eat healthy. I don't crave breads, I try to eat 3 oz protein and 3 oz of my sides whatever that may be. I try to eat 6 meals a day. No more sodas. A few weeks ago I took a sip and don't miss it. I still eat candy, just not a lot. One of my bigs concerns was lose skin. Not many people address either. You will have lose skin. How much determines your age and body type, and how long you have been carrying the weight. My friend that had the transformation that inspired me to have the sleeve, she lost 140 pounds and had to have skin removed. It looks painful and expensive. I have it, and at this point not planning on having it done. I thought my man boobs would go away with all the weight I have lost but nope. They are smaller and I can wear a t shirt now, but don't think I will ever be able to take my shirt off in public without surgery. But with a shirt on or water shirt I feel I look real good, and am very happy with my body, which what's important. Due to my build I'm not planning on having my lose skin removed so far. I go to gym to try to build muscle first. If anyone has any questions or want to talk with me more about any of this, feel free to email me. This was the best decision of my life and worth every penny. If you are considering this do it and use Dr Alvarez. Best decision you will make in your life.

Email: [email protected]

Cyle Martin

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I made the decision to take action once and for all. I started researching for weight loss surgery and I found Dr. Alvarez and I started following him on Facebook . When I was watching The #AskDrA show episode 62 , I decided to have my surgery. I'm very blessed for having Dr. Alvarez in Piedras Negras , a place that's very secure and that's worth coming there. One thing I'd also would like to say is that going with him for this surgery was one of the best decisions of my life , he is a wonderful surgeon , has an amazing team that takes care of you throughout your journey , and their service and attention to the patient is impecable , I have never found such great service . And if your hesitanting about doing the surgery and finding a surgeon , don't hesitate and do it ! As I said it's one of the greatest decisions you will make and don't waste your time with other surgeons take it from me just go with the best , Dr. Alvarez.


I was sleeved by Dr A 11/18/16. I've tried for 2 years with 2 different insurances to get the surgery covered in the US. Once it was apparent I was going to be paying for this surgery out of pocket I asked a local friend which local surgeon she used for her surgery 7 years ago. When she told me she went to Mexico and loved Dr Alvarez I was a little skeptical. I spent 2 weeks doing my research on him and had a very strong gut feeling that he was the surgeon for me. My immediate family was a little skeptical about me traveling to Mexico, but they trusted that as a health care professional I knew what I was doing. My dad even decided to come with me but he stayed in Eagle Pass, TX just in case I needed him for anything post op. From start to finish everything about my trip, surgery, and recovery has been amazing! You honestly are made to feel like you are part of the Endobariatric family the minute you decide to use Dr A. I'm 5 weeks post op and feel amazing. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Dr A to my closest family member. As a matter of fact, I'm hoping my husband will be heading to see Dr A for his surgery sometime in 2017.


I felt like I was given the red carpet treatment from day one. This started back to my initial e-mail talking to Susan who's the Patient Coordinator to talking to Dr. Alvarez directly. I was a "little" skeptical about going to Mexico for my surgery, but because my health insurance would not cover the surgery I did not want that to hold me back. The only way I could have afforded the Sleeve (by taking a loan) was to go out of the country. A couple people who I trust completely recommended Dr. Alvarez. I'm so glad they did!!!! I went by myself from Atlanta to San Antonio. An amazing woman, Rosie, was my driver who picked me up for the drive to Piedras Negras, Mexico. She was a sweetheart!! Everything was completely spelled out for me. I really had very few questions because everything was exactly as it was listed in the Patient Booklet. My sleeve was done on November 21, 2016. I'm 7 weeks from the start of my pre op diet to today and down 47 lbs!! Yes, everyone's bodies are different. Everyone will lose a very different way. This has given me a completely different outlook on life. Food is no longer a crutch for me, but the sleeve is my tool. Food is just fuel that keeps my body healthy and strong, but not for comfort. I'm so excited to see my body change in 2017 and for the rest of my life. I highly recommend Dr. Alvarez and the team at Endobariatric 110%!!!

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Dr.Alvarez and his team are stellar. They are the most compassionate, caring, professional and competent team you could ever choose to do your gastric sleeve surgery. They are highly experienced and make you feel at ease when having a major life changing surgery. My incisions and recovery have been flawless. I'm encouraging family and friends to go see him for surgery. I only wish I had went sooner.


Great experience under the care of Dr. Alvarez and his associates. Clean facilities, knowledgeable staff. Would not hesitate to recommend for a family member


I thought about gastric sleeve surgery for 2 years before taking the leap of faith and making the decision to "trust my gut" and go to Dr. Alvarez in Mexico. I could no longer allow thoughts of trying to lose weight on my own ( ie: trying the newest auto-ship program of supplements, waiting for Weight Watchers to release their new program that might really work, etc.) take up so much head space and control my day to day outlook on life. I was determined to make a change that would actually WORK FOR ME!!! I remember being SO SCARED when I finally picked up the phone after emailing Susan back and forth and choosing an actual surgery date....I cried on the phone with Susan, and she was so sweet to reassure me that everything really would be OK! I am 6 weeks post-op and I couldn't be happier that I chose to make a choice to make a change! FEAR of the unknown almost kept me from experiencing the amazing benefits of this surgery. As of today, I have lost 33 pounds (10 of those during my pre-op phase).
Dr Alvarez and his team are amazing and they educate you on every phase along the way with excellent patient care and follow-up. They made my surgery experience in Mexico seamless, and took away any fear or anxiety. The personal touch still continues, as I have received a post card and numerous follow up emails asking how I am doing and offering to answer any questions that come up. The Endobariatric page has also been a tremendous help! Just knowing that all of the followers are there to support each other and have experienced the same things create a supportive atmosphere where you can find help anytime day or night. I would highly recommed Dr. Alvarez, and if you are struggling with making the decision to do it....just take a leap of faith and know you will be in the best hands and won't regret your decision!

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From first contact with Dr.A, Susan George, and the Endobariatric team, I have been blessed with excellent care, consideration, and service. Questions and concerns were answered with intelligence which made me feel more secure in my decision. Having contact with the multiple satisfied patients solidified my choice to become healthier by gastric sleeve surgery. My anxieties, questions, and concerns were met with open minds and enough verbal and written material to get answers to my satisfaction. Once making the decision to have the procedure, every step was mapped out by Dr. Alvarez and his team. I can honestly back up what every other person has said, I feel the treatment I received with Endobariatric was the best and could not be matched even in the US.

My main health issue was lung issues that were getting increasingly worse. This issue kept me from exercising and trips to the hospital began increasing. Breathing well was becoming a big concern for me and my family. I never felt like getting up and going places with my family and while at work teaching, I found myself becoming more easily upset with my students because I was tired all the time. On top of this, I looked in the mirror and was depressed by what I saw. After trying for over two years to lose weight using different diets and pills, my husband, children, Dr., and I felt this was the next best step for me.

My surgery date was July 8th. Since the pre-op phase, I have not had an asthma attack. Instead, I have increasingly got stronger both with my respiratory system and my physical body. I am much happier and enjoy looking in the mirror. The greatest moments are when my family asks me if I want to do something and I can jump up and go. My students at school are seeing a much happier teacher and we are having fun. Little exciting moments happen all the time. For example, the first time I noticed I could cross my legs comfortably for the first time in over 18 years, realizing the pants and shirts I just bought a month ago don't fit anymore (consignment shops have become my friend????), and when I went from the plus side to the misses side in stores. It's always fun to get compliments on how I look but I've got to say that feeling healthy and having energy is a bigger reward than the way I look.

When this wondrous journey began, I weighed 222 lbs at 4 foot 10 inches tall. I've lost 75 lbs, multiple inches in all areas of my body, and am still going. I have 25 more pounds to lose to reach my ultimate weight goal but have already acheived the goal of better health. I know my health will only increase as I trudge along.

I do have a word of caution for those considering this procedure. Be positive your ready to make a life long eating habit change, be diligent in following all directions given by Dr. A and his team, be prepared to work hard to acheive your goals, and best of all, be ready to have one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. I've always heard that nothing worth having comes easy. This journey is not always easy but it is definitely worth traveling.

I love my sleeve, my new healthy attitude, and the Endobariatric team. Thank you Dr. Alvarez and team for helping to change my quality of life.

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