George Ferzli

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.96 out of 5 with 569 ratings

George Ferzli Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

George Ferzli Bariatric Surgeon Picture

40 yr Experience

24 yr in Bariatrics

34 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

24 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 80

Gastric Balloon

Adjustable Gastric Band

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


and 4 more...

569 Reviews for George Ferzli
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I thought Dr.Ferzli was very helpful and
My impression of him only got better after each time I met with him
His office staff was also very helpful and considerate of me.
There was truthfully nothing I disliked about him.
I think he is one of the best surgeons I have ever met, not only did I go to him but atleast 4 other people I know used him and loved him.
His aftercare was fantastic, I did not feel well the first couple of days I was home and he actually took my home number and called me everyday on his own time to check up on me. I never met a doctor like him.
His after care program is also very good he has meetings once a month and you also follow up with him and your nutritionist every few weeks.
He told me there could be risks but he was confident in himself and did not think anything would go wrong.
I would give him a 100% I love Dr. Ferzli he helped change my life and was very friendly,understanding and an overall GREAT doctor I would not have changed a thing.


Dr. Geroge Ferzli along with his team in my eyes are the best!!


Professional, courteous, friendly, respectful.

Didn't like answering questions 1 hour pre-op, wasn't happy about that.

His staff are awesome and extremely helpful.

He seemes a little distant right before my surgery.

That he's the best.

Aftercare does not seem to be severly emphasized.


I was told repeatedly that my surgery was very risky.

I would give him a 10 on a scale of 1-10.

Surgical competence is #1, but of course. if you can get both then that's even better.


What can I say about Dr. Ferzli, except that his presence was an amazing one which put me at ease. The moment my sister and I stepped into his office I was ready to jump on the table. The risks were addressed clearly and concise. For me the greatest risk is to continue to walk around with this weight, waiting for it to complicate things. Right now I am basically healthy except for my osteo arthritis in my knees and back pain, plus astmha. Good thing there is no other major problems going on right now so because of this I want to tackle it now before things go wrong.

My impression grew more profound with time, I went to an open house and soon as I hit the door even though I was an hour late he greeted me as if he had known me for years within a room full of people. My friend with me thought I had known him for years but to her surprise it was only our second meeting. I love the man now and I am sure I will still love him when I am done.

The office staff is friendly and professional. Aftercare is strongly emphasized through nutritionist and support groups.

I would rate him as a 10 as a pre op and I am sure that it will be 10 at post op.

At the open house the doctors were so informative and caring. You can see in the eyes of these men that they care about what they do and they are not just in it for the cash but to see you through and do a great job at it.

Good Luck to All and Dr George Ferzli is the Man for the job!!


I met Dr. Ferzli in Jan. he was very nice to me and to my 12 year old son who was with me at the time. He listened to what I had to say and asked if I had any questions.

We talked about after sugery,risks, and types. I am going for the lap band. I just feel that would be better for me.

I think his staff was very nice I haven't had to deal with them much since it was for only that visit.I will be seeing them again to sign the consent on April 5th.

I think surgical competence and bedside manner make great doctor.

April 23
Just a note on the staff: When she call me to give me my date she congratulated me! That was so nice.


So far I have only had my consultation with Dr. Ferzli. The office staff was friendly and helpful. Dr. Ferzli was warm and kind. He answered my questions and explained the procedure to me. Dr. Ferzli opened up a bariatric center at Lutheran Hospital in Brooklyn. The care promises to be top notch. Dr. Ferzli is well respected in the field of laproscopic surgery. People in the medical field (at least those in SI and Brooklyn) all say he is the best of the best.
I received a packet of information from the office which outlined everything I need to do. There is a $150.00 office fee, which covered the nutritionist and any paperwork, etc. He accepts my insurance, which is Oxford. Now I just need Oxford to okay everything.
So so far, so good. I will update this as I continue to journey...

2-4-04 I have called Ferzli's office three times with questions and his staff has been helpful. I sent an email with a question but it was never answered. When I go to his office to sign my consent forms I will ask what the story is with the email.

Some additional information concerning how my impression has changed over time:
The staff at Dr. Ferzli's office are, for the most part, rude and curt. They seem annoyed when I call (which has been a total of three times) and I do not appreciate being treated like that. This is, after all, major surgery and the woman who work there (some of whom have also had the surgery) need to take a course or two in how to be empathetic and courteous! Of course, this is just my own personal experience and impression. I in no way can predict or assume how anyone else will be treated. And again, what I want most out of this is successful surgery and I feel totally safe and secure with Dr. Ferzli. Heck, I will be asleep anyhow!
Dr. Ferzli was not as warm and fuzzy to me the second time I went to see him- when I went to sign my consent forms. But I have to say, in his defense, that he personally called me the next day to apologize. I was quite impressed with this. And he was very sincere when he called. So he's back on top with me. I understand that he is under a lot of pressure and I can accept that.
But anyone reading this who is considering using this office should go armed for battle as far as the staff is concerned. Unless the three times I called it was also "bad days" for everyone.............


Dr. Ferzli's reputation preceedes him. Every single medical professional that I consulted with over the past six months had nothing but the highest praise for his ability as a surgeon. Upon first meeting Dr. Ferzli, I felt at ease, he was extremely professional and personable. He explained the procedure to me in layman's terms, outlining the benefits and precautions for each surgical procedure. I really didn't see Dr. Ferzli on the day of surgery, only to shake his hand and introduce him to my family. Afterwards, I was informed, he approached my awaiting family and detailed everything. I saw Dr. Ferzli the next day, he told me everything went great, patted me on my head, and went on his way. Dr. Ferzli does have a reputation for not having the warmest bedside manner, I don't agree. In my opinion, so long as he's a brilliant surgeon, I could care less about his bedside manner. In conclusion - Dr. Ferzli is a brilliant surgeon, he has a well-structured aftercare program, and he has an outstanding staff. Anyone interested in WLS should seriously consider consulting Dr. Ferzli.


Dr. Ferzli

I like him very much I felt he was very intersted in my well being and that I knew what the surgery was all about and what I had to do to reach my goal. He had the lapband in his office which he explained in detail how it work and what I had to do to make it work for me. He seem to have confidence in his skills doing this surgery and the dangers of the surgery were detail to me in written form.

Dr.Ferzli looks to be a very busy Dr. with lots of patients coming and going from his office which is clean and wonderful set up.
Aftercare is also important to the Dr. he has programs set up for excise class and other after surgery care that he suggest.

overall I feel that the Dr. is caring and knows what he is doing when it comes to wls.


I had my inital consultation with, Dr. George Ferzli, on July 16, 2003.
He seems very professional, and knows what he is doing.
His staff are very nice and professional.
I do wish that he was more outgoing with me since, I was very timid on that first meeting with him.
If you have any questions, get your questions ready and ask them, or you can ask at another time if you forget to ask.
He definately emphasizes aftercare. He offers a structurized aftercare program.
All of the risks of surgery were explained to me.
I would rate him an 8 out of 10.
I feel that bedside manner is great, however, surgical competence is more important. I feel that all doctors should encompass both, in order to put their patient and their families at ease.


My first impression of the Dr. was OK. Too quick and didn't want to be bothered. His office staff is rude and not helpful at all.The nutritionist Irene Nicolaides was the worst and what made me leave the doctor.I spoke to other patients who ALL agreed about Irene and that made me realize, I want a staff that is knowledgeble and helpful. A doctor that doesn't know or care how his staff is represending him is a shame.It takes alot to have this surgery and patients don't need or deserve to be treated so poorly and be given wrong and poor information. I now have a doictor whom I feel comfortable with and a staff who cares in a much better hospital.Good Luck to all

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