LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 151 ratings

LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity Bariatric Center

LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity Bariatric Center Picture
151 Reviews for LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity
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I was very impressed by Dr Pompa's discipline and enthusiasm, she made feel so comfortable I choose her to do my gastric sleeve surgery, she seemed so confident and her staff was the same way, I felt like nothing could go wrong with these people and nothing did. I haven't had any complications and I am sure I will not have any in the future.


My impression of Dr Pompa has not changed since I first met her. She is very decent, very professional, and very dedicated to her job. She gave me all the information I needed to make decision and also told me about all the risks involved in the surgeries and explained the aftercare. Her staff was friendly and offered a great service, everyone was very nice and sincere.


MY first impression of Dr Pompa was that is very smart and dedicated to her work, as the days passed I only confirmed how much she loves her profession and cares for her patients. She was very direct whens he told me about the risks involved in the surgery and gave me a lot of helpful information. Her staff took wonderful care of me and told me what I needed to do for my aftercare. They were all very pleasant people.


Dr. Pompa and her staff are very good, very nice and helpful, they all make certain you understand the surgery, the risks and the aftercare. I was very impressed with all of them I guess I was expecting something different because they are in Mexico and kind of got the wrong idea, but boy was I wrong. I respect and appreciate each and everyone of them and recognize their professionalism and wonderful attitude.


I was very impressed with Dr Pompa's knowledge and understanding of these types of procedures, I can honestly say that she is Dr born to do what she does, she is confident, secure, disciplined, honest, dedicated, I could go on and on. She truly helped me understand gastric surgeries and made me want to have one done. She is so passionate about her work that it is contagious and she makes you love the idea of having surgery done. Her staff is wonderful too. They are all professionals and very caring, they were a joy to be around them.


Dr. Pompa is brilliant, it doesn't get better that her. She is very professional very well prepared and is excellent with her information. Her staff is no different, she put together the best team, one that complements her perfectly. Everybody is very nice and their service is fantastic, they took real good care of me and made sure I was comfortable at all times.


I just want to say how wonderful Dr. Pompa and her staff are. They truly are a fantastic team, the way they care for you, all the information they give before and after the surgery, they inform you what to expect and what is expected of you and really emphasize on the aftercare. Every aspect is wonderfully covered and they leave you with a great taste and I great feeling. My experience was amazing and I thank each and everyone of you.


Dr. Pompa is an amazing Dr and an even better person. I am glad to say that she is extremely honest and the most sincere Dr I ever had the opportunity to talk to. She inspired me a lot of confidence since the very first time I met her and my impression of her only got better in time. She explains the surgery like no other and is very direct and clear. Her staff took very good care of me and were there at all times, they made sure I had everything I needed before and after surgery.


Dr. Pompa and her staff were all magnificent, they gave me a lot of information regarding my surgery and I was also told about risks involved in it and they also helped me make a decision that was best for me. Everybody at that clinic makes you feel important and comfortable and very secure. You can't ask for more.


My first impression of Dr. Pompa was the is a very smart person, very well educated and polite and till today that hasn't changed, she fully informed me of the procedures and risks involved with them as well as the aftercare. Her staff is wonderful too, they were very helpful and kind.

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