Orange or Tropical punch drink by Bariatric Choice - Liquid Protein

When mixed with the generic (Wal Mart) brand of powdered sugar-free fruit punch (like Crystal Light, only generic) and water, this drink is excellent. It gives 15 g of protein per drink. After it's mixed with the fruit punch powdered mix, you can't tell the protein mix is in the drink!
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So, my Dr. office sells many products and I tried these protein drinks cause I didn't like any of the ones in the stores. These are consentrate packets that are a gel you put in to like 8-10 oz of water and they are soooooo good! I really am happy that I found these. It will make recovery so much better!
I found them on this web site as well.

First, the orange is yucky but the tropical punch is divine. The only reason the orange is yucky to me though is because I don't like orange flavored Jello or Kool Aid. As for the punch, well, if you have ever had Jello as a drink hot and liked it, you will love this cold! There is absolutely no funky aftertaste and it is the best source of liquid protein I've found. The reason the nutritional value wasn't rated excellent is because it is a gelatin based protein it doesn't have any of the added amino acids you can find with whey drinks. But if you can't gag the other stuff down, this does the trick. I figure I can get my aminos by the food I eat or suppliments if I need to. The protein really helps me function better and have more energy. It's worth it!!!
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This is a GREAT valuable drink for post-ops. Good way of getting in your protein. Just add one of these puppies to 6 - 8oz of water and you get a tang-flavored drink that will give you 15 grams of protein and nothing else. Thisi s certainly not a meal substitute because it has no other nutritional value, however a good way of getting your protein in!!
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