LifeTime Liquid Calcium Citrate by Lifetime Fitness - Calcium Supplement

Pros: tastes good (I like the Blueberry best), easy on the stomach, can take with or without food, contains vitamin D; comes in high potency varieties (750 mg/1 tbs.)- I prefer these.
Cons: have to order it online as no one carries it locally; somewhat more expensive than tablets; has to be refrigerated after opening.

So far I've only had the pina colada flavor, the taste is allright, chalky, better taken in smaller swallows a few times a day. I haven't tasted other liquid calcium so I have nothing to compare it to. The pina colada and blueberry flavors have 750 mg elemental calcium from calcium citrate per tablespoon and the rest of the flavors have 600 mg. It is the amount of elemental calcium that you need to be concerned with when figuring out how much to take and what kind of value you are getting. Tropical oasis product has 1200 mg of calcium citrate per tablespoon, but, only 250mg of elemental calcium (what is really available to you) so you would have to take 2-3 times as much of their product to get the same amount/value.
(indicates that they have used the product)
GREAT STUFF: This liquid Calcium provided two advantages for me,allowed me to get my calcium requirements plus the magnesium in it solved my constipation issue. 400 IU of Vitamine D, 600 MG of Calcium Citrate, 300 mg of magnesium all in 1 Tablespoon. Two tablespoons each night is a god send. I perfer the Lemon Custard Flavor.
(indicates that they have used the product)
It is the right kind of calcium , but not as compact as other liquid sources. It takes twice as much as Tropical Oasis Brand, but it is a good thing to have it available locally if I run short as Tropical Oasis is only available online. This is a good second choice tho.
(indicates that they have used the product)
Purchased this produce from Whole Foods while looking for a liquid calcium citrate that was not in pill form. This liquid provides elemental calcium citrate at 600 mg and vitamin D at 400 iu as well as magnesium (from citrate elemental) at 300 mg. Only need 1 tbsp. I got the Orange Vanilla flavor, a bit tart but goes down easy.
(indicates that they have not used the product)