EAS Protien Bar Low Carb by EAS Corporation - Protein Bar

I have tried all the protein bars and while there are several brands, making sure you get the ones with only 2grams of carbs. My favorite is Cookies and Cream with 25 grams of protein, and Lemon Cheesecake with 26 grams is okay it is sometimes to yucky in taste but I still prefer it over the other types of bars. There is also a blueberry brand but haven't tried it yet. My favorite is cookies-n-cream.
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I used these a lot when I was allowed to eat soft foods post-op. I would take a bit and suck on the bite until it dissolved. There are no chunks, it is a smooth bar. The cookies and cream is heavenly. It has a chocolate center with a white outside that melts in your mouth. I knew I was getting my protein in and having a nice treat. I keep one in my purse for if I get hungry during the day, so I'm not tempted to put something in my mouth I shouldn't.
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