Chewable Calcium Citrate Wafers by Twinlab Bariatric Support - Calcium Supplement

I had to search high and low for chewable calcium citrate. I found these at These were rated pretty good, taste-wise. These are BIG wafers, being about 1" across. And you need to chew 4 a day for 1000 mg. It also has 500mg of magnesium and 400IU Vit D, as required by the surgeon. Taste to me, is not bad. It kind of tastes like a sweettart.
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They're big "Sweet Tarts". I take 4 of these a day. They are calcium citrate and magnesium. They have a little tart aftertaste so I pop the whole thing in my mouth at once instead of nibbling them. These are lifesavers. I cannot swallow the big calcium horse pill at all.
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This rating posted 1/25/05: I highly recommend TwinLab Calcium Citrate Chewable Wafers. It's citrate, with magnesium & Vitamin D, all for best absorption. Chewable means more absorbable than pills. (Calcium pills tend to be huge, by the way, because the calcium molecule itself is a very large one. So it's a big pill to hit our pouch with, which means it may not break down sufficiently.) Unlike liquid, the chewables are easy to carry in my purse. And I love to suck on them first (personally, I love the taste) to soften then up, minimize the chalkiness and help more of it be ingested right at the tongue/salivary stage. I take 1500 mg, which means 500 mg 3x a day (in am, evening & before bed). It also means 3 bottles a month at my dosage level. Good calcium is expensive, but it--and we--are worth it! So shop wisely. A bottle at my health food store is $15.50 each. I've been buying from for awhile, and I currently pay under $84 for 12 bottles, incl. s/h.: that's less than $7/bottle. I feel I'm doing the best I can to avoid osteoporosis, which really is the most important "rating" of all here!
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This is the least expensive place on the internet as far as I can find. Shipping seems to stay the same even though you buy more than one. I didn't much care for the taste at first but they grew on me. They are like a treat or snack for me now. I just suck on them. They're kind of like huge sweet tarts only not tart.
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