Leanne Littrell MS, RD , LD Dietitian / Nutritionist

About Me5/03- current Director of Nutrition Services, Peace River Regional Medical Center (formally Bon Secours St Joseph Hospital), Port Charlotte, FL
Plan, direct and coordinate activities of the nutrition department. Determine department’s resource needs; prepare and oversee departmental operational and capital budgets. Direct department personnel and perform personnel actions including hiring, performance improvement, and corrective action. Oversee compilation, preparation and distribution of appropriate reports and analyses setting forth trends, and conclusions and appropriate recommendations. Oversee departments’ performance improvement activities in accordance with hospital Performance improvement plan, JCAHO and other regulatory agency requirements. Developed and implemented new programs including new patient meal selection and hostess delivery system, bariatric meals and diet education.
9/99 – 5/03 Clinical Nutrition Manager, Bon Secours St Joseph Hospital, Port Charlotte, FL
Responsible for the management of clinical nutrition services at the hospital and Nursing Care and Rehab Center. Development and implementation of nutrition policies. Supervise patient meal delivery system. Clinical nutrition assessment of patients. Accomplishments include 100% compliance with October 1999 & 2002 JCAHO nutrition standards. Redesign of Nutrition Assessment Process and Resident weight Policy for Nursing Care Center (NRC). Development of modified diets for patient and resident six-week cycle menu. Interview and hire all nutrition staff for hospital
9/98 – 9/99 Clinical Nutrition Manager, Bon Secours Venice Hospital, Venice FL (342 beds)
Responsible for management of clinical nutrition services and supervision of patient meal delivery system. Accomplishments include 100% compliance with nutrition standards for April 99 JCAHO Survey. Development and implementation of nutrition assessment and reassessment forms. Complete revision and implementation of Food and Drug Education Policy. Assisted with development of department competency program. Interdisciplinary team member for development of Hospital patient’s education form. Co-leader of hospital skin care team. Department leader for revision and implementation of patient menu. Interview and hire all hourly FNS staff. Developed pediatric menu.
6/92 – 8/98 Nutritional Services Manager, Berger Hospital, Circleville, OH (75 beds)
Responsible for management of department. Plan, develop, control, and evaluate operation of the department; development and administration of department policies consistent with hospital policies and professional standards; manage and control fiscal resources; plans and administers budget; developed clinical nutrition and assessment program; developed compliance programs to meet JCAHO standards for nutrition education and assessment to inpatients and outpatients; participates in presentations and articles. Supervised clinical dietitian and diet clerks. Clinical site preceptor for diet technician students from Columbus State and Hocking College. Developed Enteral Formulary. Revised all nutrition education materials. Work collaboratively with all patient care service departments to integrate patient services. Developed assessment materials. Member of skin team. Presenter to JCAHO Survey team on quality improvement activities. Assure compliance with nutrition component of CARF standards.
5/90 – 6/92 HMR Supervisor, Fairfield Medical Center, Lancaster, OH (175 beds)
Implemented HMR weight management program; supervised program and personnel; taught all educational programs; marketed program to the community; wrote articles for the newspaper.
9/88 – 5/90 Dietary Manager, Fairfield Medical Center, Lancaster, OH (175 beds)
Responsible for management of department planned, developed, controlled and evaluated department operations; responsible for the development and administration of policies consistent with hospital policies and professional standards; managed and controlled fiscal resources; planned and administered budget; Supervised clinical dietitians and diet technicians and diet clerks. Coordinated and integrated clinical and administrative aspects of dietetics to provide quality nutritional care.
12/85 – 9/88 Administrative Dietitian, Central Baptist Hospital, Lexington, KY (375 beds)
Responsible for the management, coordination and implementation of clinical nutritional services to all patients; supervised clinical dietitians, diet technicians, diet clerks, developed 1987 Central Baptist diet manual; developed dietary quality indicators for clinical services; developed the nutrition component of the diabetes education program. Co-author of 1986 Lexington Diabetes Mellitus Patient Handbook; Chaired nutrition committee. Revised Enteral Formulary. Revised all nutrition education materials. Revised department policy and procedure manual. Assured compliance with JCAHO and State standards. Provided nutrition education programs to the community.
1/82 – 12/85 Clinical Dietitian, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Parkersburg, WV (375 beds)
Provided nutrition education to patients.
11/83 – 12/85 Independent Consultant Dietitian, New Martinsville, WV
Consultant to the Food Service Director, 16 hours per month; developed cycle menu. Reviewed Nutritional Care Plans; Planned and presented inservices to staff.
• 1983 – 2008 Speaker on Nutrition topics at various meetings
• National Presenter at 2006 ASHFSA meeting on Disaster planning
• Presenter at National Webinar on foodservice survival needs after a hurricane
• National Presenter at 2003 Clinical Nutrition Manager Meeting on Dietitian order writing.
• Chairperson of Heart Walk Registration, ’97 & ‘98
• President elect of Bluegrass Dietetic Association
• Co-Chair Meeting Planner for WV State Dietetic Meeting, 1983
• Co-Chair Meeting Planner for KY State Dietetic Meeting, 1987
• 1987 Kentucky Bluegrass District Outstanding Dietitian
• Co-Chairperson of the Legislative Committee for the Bluegrass District for Kentucky Dietetic Association
• America Dietetic Association
• Registered Dietitian R-652706
• Florida Licensed Dietitian ND-0003386
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