Bariatric Surgical Solutions

Bariatric Center
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Bariatric Surgical Solutions Bariatric Center

Bariatric Surgical Solutions Bariatric Center Picture
Ernesto Rivas Valenzuela Profile Pic
Ernesto Rivas Valenzuela
Astrit Quezada Profile Pic
Astrit Quezada
Office Assistant
Miguel Perez M Profile Pic
Miguel Perez M
Virginia Maal Profile Pic
Virginia Maal
Patient Coordinator

Hospital Privileges & Private Practice

Jan. 24, 2017 by Juan Antonio Lopez Corvala
First, the distinction between "working in a hospital" and "working for a hospital."  
The degree to which a physician works in a hospital depends on the specialty. For example: neurosurgeons, trauma surgeons, and thoracic surgeons perform most of their services in hospitals, while allergists and dermatologists typically see patients in their offices.   Physicians in any specialty may work for a hospital or not.
Just as in the US, in Mexico physicians can work IN a hospital and FOR a hospital. There are four primary employment structures for physicians in the US:
  1. Works for himself/herself in private practice (either solo or, more commonly, in a group practice);
  2. Works for other physicians in a group practice, often with the potential of buying in as an owner of the practice in the future;
  3. Works for a hospital.
Although most physicians are in private practice, you may find some who also offer their professional services to a hospital as part of the hospital’s staff.  
When a patient goes directly to the physician’s private practice, the patient can expect:
1. First-hand attention and customer service
2. Direct contact with the medical team of experts
3. By not having a “middle person”, such as a booking service which most of the private hospitals have also in Mexico, the physician offers better deals in prices (savings of up to $2000 or more on certain procedures), surgical packages, etc. By going directly to the physician’s office (bypassing the hospital’s switchboard), you are sure to get a better price and the extra added value for your money.
You may reach Dr Juan A. Lopez-Corvala’s Weight Loss Surgery Center by calling 1 (877) 336 417, or reaching his Patient Coordinator / Case Manager, Bibi M. Maal in the office by calling her direct phone line (619) 730 0948. You may also reach us by email at and through our website at
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